Category Archives: SIDCHAs

Food poisoning and burpees nearly as hard as after a marathon

on August 5, 2021 in Fitness, Habits, SIDCHAs

Meeting myself as I did yesterday and today happens once every couple of years. It turns out the wild blueberries I thought I was picking were black nightshade. Black nightshade apparently comes in edible and toxic varieties and I seem to have eaten the toxic kind. First things first. If you see these adorable looking berries, I recommend thinking twice. It was hard for me to type the word adorable[…] Keep reading →

175,000 burpees

on July 19, 2021 in Fitness, Freedom, Habits, SIDCHAs

My spreadsheet said I hit 175,000 burpees yesterday. I don’t record each one. I programmed in how many I do each day. I update the date and it tells me how many I’ve done. So I’ve done more, since occasionally I do extra without telling the spreadsheet. A decade ago, I’d record what felt like big milestones like my first six months of doing them daily or the first ten[…] Keep reading →

I don’t pick up litter because I care about the environment. I care about the environment because I pick up litter.

on July 14, 2021 in Fitness, SIDCHAs, Tips

Today, picking up litter, it occurred to me that the more I act, the more I care about what I do. The less I act, the more indifferent, apathetic, and complacent I become. It could apply to picking up litter, avoiding packaged food, or many things I learned to do after childhood. I care (second) because I act (first). If you want to get technical, caring and acting are parts[…] Keep reading →

A New Reason I Pick Up Trash Every Day

on July 7, 2021 in Exercises, Habits, Leadership, Nature, SIDCHAs

I’ve held back on sharing this because it felt too presumptuous. To remind you the context, I’ve found that to lead on sustainability, you need experience in three areas: Leading Science Living the values you promote I know of almost no one with experience in all three. Not Gore, DiCaprio, Thunberg, or any of the big names people associate with sustainability. Previous guest Alexandra Paul fits the bill. For a[…] Keep reading →

“Olympic Swimmer Caeleb Dressel Says the Key to Success Is Making Your Bed”

on July 6, 2021 in Fitness, Habits, SIDCHAs, Tips

Everyone who knows me knows every morning I make my bed, cross the room, and turn off the alarm before it turns off, meaning within sixty seconds. I have other sidchas, like picking up litter daily, which I’ve done without fail since 2017. People ask why, which seems obvious. Doing something with a measure of quality and a time limit gives a sense of purpose. For a cash cost of[…] Keep reading →

“How Exercise May Help Protect Against Severe Covid-19” Comments

on April 14, 2021 in Fitness, SIDCHAs

The New York Times posted an article, How Exercise May Help Protect Against Severe Covid-19, by Gretchen Reynolds. I enjoy her pieces, partly because she wrote the story I learned about burpees from that prompted my sidcha. First I was going to comment only on my different way of looking at this characterization, “regular exercise—whether it’s going for a swim, walk, run or bike ride—can substantially lower our chances of[…] Keep reading →

After ten years, pushing 50, burpees are getting harder

on April 12, 2021 in Fitness, Habits, SIDCHAs

I remember the first time I saw an old person doing burpees. Her body didn’t have the flexibility or strength to do them how a younger person could. When I started mine, around 40 years old, I knew I couldn’t do them like guy in his thirties or twenties. I didn’t think about how they’d feel later. Over the years, as I’ve grown stronger and with experience, I’ve added to[…] Keep reading →

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