Category Archives: Visualization

Foraging urban food waste

on October 4, 2023 in Visualization

I hope I don’t embarrass my mom with this post. I’m not sure how she feels about me scavenging food from others, though I learned composting from her. When I drop off my food scraps for composting, I see from what’s in the bins that people waste tons of perfectly good food. The bins mostly contain scraps of inevitable parts of plants. As a non-coffee drinker, I’m always surprised at[…] Keep reading →

Free markets? Meat subsidies are insane, as is consumption in the U.S. and a few other places

on October 3, 2023 in Nature, Visualization

I like free markets. I wish we had them, but as far as meat is concerned, we don’t seem to. Here is a chart of Subsidies for Meat Production From Industrialized Countries (OECD Members), Estimates for 2012, in Billions of Dollars. Can we end this corporate welfare? And here are Current Worldwide Annual Meat Consumption per capita. I didn’t realize the U.S. would stand out so much. I thought Brazil[…] Keep reading →

My deep-sea sailing trip, part 3: the cliffs of Newport, Rhode Island

on September 27, 2023 in Stories, Visualization

Following up my last two posts, on my recent sailing lesson, we ended up in Newport, Rhode Island. The others wanted to go to a boat show held there that week. Our skipper/teacher had hosted a booth there for years, though not this year. I was open to going but didn’t want to do something big and commercial that much. One of the other crew members told me about Newport’s[…] Keep reading →

Graffiti with my name: Who is King Joshua?

on August 29, 2023 in Art, Visualization

I don’t know who is making this graffiti with my name on it, but I’m not complaining about it. I wonder who King Joshua is: Apparently someone else wonders too: I also didn’t color it red, nor remember seeing concrete etchings filled in like that before. Others are keeping it simple, I guess someone born thirty-one years ago. I was in college in 1992. EDIT: Another sighting, this time on[…] Keep reading →

The UN’s three-pronged attack on sustainability

on August 2, 2023 in Models, Nature, Visualization

The United Nations may be delivering the most effective attack against sustainability of all. I can only see its three messages below leading people not to change or, if anything, to accelerate business as usual. Message 1: “CODE RED” The United Nations created the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change). I see two predominant messages from the UN and IPCC. The first is DANGER DANGER DANGER, or in the words[…] Keep reading →

We’re replacing flowers and grass with plastic. It’s unhealthy and disgusting, not pretty, but apparently I’m the extreme one for having a problem with it.

on July 25, 2023 in Nature, Visualization

Restaurants, stores, and playgrounds for kids around me put up plastic flowers and grass to make things look pretty, but plastic is the opposite of flowers and grass. If it hasn’t hit you, take a moment to ponder what we’ve done. We’re replacing lovely, healthy things with what kills them and us. We’re accepting the opposite of life and nature in favor of kills nature because of the most superficial[…] Keep reading →

How much of history I’ve lived through

on July 20, 2023 in Stories, Visualization

On my birthday, I find it fun to calculate how much of history I’ve lived through. Depending on your age, you might have lived through similar percentages of history. [EDIT: I attached the spreadsheet to calculate the numbers below if you want to calculate for your life.] Some numbers, for example: I’ve lived about 2.6 percent of the time Christianity has existed, but only 0.3 percent of the time since[…] Keep reading →

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