Category Archives: Visualization

We are long past “dominion” over the Earth

on February 13, 2022 in Nature, Visualization

Many people try to follow “have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth,” interpreting ‘have dominion’ to mean steward nature to at least not degrade it; to keep it neutral or improve it. I don’t know what people imagine, but what can a person do? Nearly not one person on Earth is living[…] Keep reading →

One percent population growth, then and now

on February 10, 2022 in Nature, Stories, Visualization

Here’s an illustration I’ve meant to create for a while. Population growth when most of the Earth is unpopulated is different than when we’ve populated nearly every place we can. I think it tells a story, and an important one: growing our population today, even a small amount, affects the world very differently than when humans comprised a small fraction of life on Earth. Illustrations that prompted it Maybe you’ve[…] Keep reading →

Welcome to America. I found on a park picnic table: 30 syringes, a crack pipe, and prescription opiates

on February 4, 2022 in Nature, Visualization

Sorry to get grim, but remember as you read this post that I’m talking about abandoned property in public space. I didn’t ask for it. I just found it. In my daily picking up litter, I picked up a brown paper bag sitting on a picnic table in Washington Square Park, amid some garbage from finished takeout (likely doof, but I didn’t look close enough to tell) left by someone[…] Keep reading →

I blew up a jar fermenting chutney, which got all over my ceiling

on January 26, 2022 in Visualization

I was scared of fermentation when I first learned of it, and that people fermented things in their kitchens. I thought it was rare, required specialized knowledge or skills, and could go wrong. I thought breeding organisms could easily lead to breeding the wrong ones so could be dangerous. I was ignorant. The first time I made sauerkraut, which means fermenting cabbage, I learned it was easy. Each time since[…] Keep reading →

My latest six fermentations, by reader request

on January 7, 2022 in Nature, Tips, Visualization

Readers have asked me to post more on preparing food. As you know, one of my biggest motivations is accessibility. I try to promote what anyone can do and to show how to do it. My sister asked me for pictures of my fermentations in action. I happen to have a few going, so took pictures of them. I thought making a video would help show what to expect. Before[…] Keep reading →

Annual Christmas tree dumping

on January 1, 2022 in Nonjudgment, Visualization

You will find nobody who values ritual and tradition than a man who hasn’t missed his twice-daily calisthenics in over ten years. When times change so that your rituals and traditions hurt rather than help, sticking with them will hurt you. The Christmas tree ritual and tradition may have once delighted and may still within the home, but systemically, it’s hurting. It doesn’t make sense either. Connecting fir trees, elves,[…] Keep reading →

How to Create a Sustainability Movement: sneak preview of my book and workshops

on December 24, 2021 in Leadership, Nature, Visualization

On a call with Dan McPherson, podcast guest and friend, I mentioned recent advances on my book and how to lead people and create a movement. We decided to record part of the call sharing my screen. It’s based on my work on This Sustainable Life leading hundreds of world-renowned guests to live joyfully sustainably based on intrinsic motivation. Nearly all return for second episodes. Many refer me to peers[…] Keep reading →

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