Category Archives: Visualization

How to reform taxes: A chess model

on December 5, 2021 in Creativity, Entrepreneurship, Tips, Visualization

People are proposing wealth taxes People are talking about taxing wealth. Everyone relies on society so if you own more, you use more and benefited more, they say, so should pay more. Besides, they add, the wealthy can structure what anyone would call income so it doesn’t look like income on taxes so avoid paying any taxes. Moreover, they further add, there’s no “natural” law that makes wealth untaxable, so[…] Keep reading →

Why everything will collapse (someone else’s video)

on November 12, 2021 in Nature, Visualization

I rarely post other people’s content as the main part of my blog, but this video put together a lot of what is predicted to happen the way a few generations ago people predicted global warming and sea level rise. People doubted it not for disagreeing with the observations and predictions but because they didn’t want to believe. It made them feel bad. The global economy and human population collapse,[…] Keep reading →

I graphed my ecological footprint, according to the Global Footprint Network

on October 30, 2021 in Nature, Visualization

The Global Footprint Network posts an online calculator that tells you your footprint (the site defines the term. It’s not vague.) It also shows footprints for every country. I’ve posted my results before, but didn’t graph them, which makes them easier to see. If someone as addicted to modern life as I was could change that much, anyone can. The more resources someone has the harder to change, in my[…] Keep reading →

Another morning walk seeing litter in my neighborhood.

on September 24, 2021 in Nature, Visualization

I took another early morning walk last weekend to take pictures of our world. New York City seems intent on pushing more outdoor restaurants. They aren’t the only cause of this situation, but they augment it. I’m sad anyone has to see things like this. If you want commentary, watch my videos in my post Pride Destroyed the Park. If you want to help, say by lowering litter in your[…] Keep reading →

Why does almost no one pick up litter?

on September 5, 2021 in Nature, Visualization

I can’t understand why I never see anyone picking up litter except people joining me. Do I sound like I focus too much on this issue? Look at this picture: Almost within living memory, plastic didn’t exist. That scene may be in the third world, but we in the overdeveloped world are catching up. The issue isn’t waste management, as the producers say, lying through their teeth. It’s overproduction. As[…] Keep reading →

Why you shouldn’t live sustainably (not really): Coming clean about my shameful sponge

on September 4, 2021 in Habits, Leadership, Nature, Nonjudgment, Visualization

Every time I look at my floor sponge I think, “it’s beyond the end of its life. Time to get rid of it.” Below are pictures of the front and back. It’s in tatters. But look at the third picture. It still cleans the floor. Why get rid of something that works? I’ve cleaned my floor every fifth day without fail for about five years, maybe more. I do it[…] Keep reading →

Even when governments pay them to have more kids, families want fewer

on August 26, 2021 in Education, Visualization

I came across this revealing graph in a peer-reviewed paper and had to share it. It shows that over fifty years, societies that intentionally instituted family planning (as I understand, not China’s One Child policy) saw birth rates lower. But note that every society’s birth rate dropped. Governments that tried to increase birth rates saw decreases nearly identical to those that did nothing. They spent money for nothing except working[…] Keep reading →

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