Search Results for: population

Do you think like a nineteenth century anthropologist?

on September 20, 2023 in Education, Models, Nature

Sorry, today is a half-finished post. I’m not sure if anyone will read it all, but my main pursuit in it is the persistent myth people knee-jerk fall back on that if we don’t pursue technological progress and market growth then we risk reverting to the Stone Age. After reading Atlas Shrugged and trying to learn what her fans like about her philosophy so much, I found an essay she[…] Keep reading →

Sasha DiGiulian

on September 5, 2023 in Podcast

“THE BEST FEMALE ROCK CLIMBER IN THE WORLD” Sasha DiGiulian is without question the most decorated and arguably the best female climber in the world, constantly pushing the boundaries of what most thought possible. She started climbing at the young age of 6 and took the world by storm, quickly growing into one of its most famous faces. Over the course of her career, she has been Female Overall World[…] Keep reading →

Blood pressure normal, pulse: 51 bpm. Old man still got it.

on August 18, 2023 in Fitness, Habits

In May a nurse measured my pulse at 47 beats per minute and my blood pressure 122 over 73. Today one measured my pulse at 51 beats per minute and my blood pressure 107 over 68. I’d like my pulse lower, but the web says it’s still in athlete level. I’m glad to see my blood pressure normal. I’m not sure which is more important for health between pulse and[…] Keep reading →

Insouciance, colonialism, and sustainability

on August 10, 2023 in Nature, Stories

Insouciance, colonialism, and sustainability

Hawaii: Microcosm of Earth

on August 9, 2023 in Models, Nature

Longtime readers who Eugene Bible, who hosts This Sustainable Life: Solve for Nature, a sibling podcast to mine. He lives in Hawaii. A while ago he shared a view that helps me simplify and clarify how we affect nature. He suggested viewing Hawaii as a microcosm of Earth. Do you have a proposal you think would help Earth? Ask if it would work with Hawaii. [EDIT: I had planned to[…] Keep reading →

708: Chris Bystroff, part 2: Understanding the United Nation’s Projections

on August 4, 2023 in Podcast

Talking with Chris has made me more concerned about population projections that only show the possibility of collapse as error bars. I hope to bring him and past guest Wolfgang Lutz on the podcast together to help resolve their disparate views. I see some of humanity’s effects on the environment that could affect our population beyond what the UN projections show not as low-probability high-impact events, but already happening. I[…] Keep reading →

The UN’s three-pronged attack on sustainability

on August 2, 2023 in Models, Nature, Visualization

The United Nations may be delivering the most effective attack against sustainability of all. I can only see its three messages below leading people not to change or, if anything, to accelerate business as usual. Message 1: “CODE RED” The United Nations created the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change). I see two predominant messages from the UN and IPCC. The first is DANGER DANGER DANGER, or in the words[…] Keep reading →

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