Search Results for: population

Imperialism and Us

on February 24, 2023 in Relationships

What is imperialism? Imagine two cultures. One lives within the means of its environment—that is, sustainably. The other lives beyond its means—that is, unsustainably. The sustainable culture will live in abundance. Being sustainable means it isn’t living in scarcity. Everyone must have enough—actually, more than enough, as evidenced through sustaining through periods of drought. Eventually the unsustainable culture will run out of resources. If it keeps to itself, it can[…] Keep reading →

GDP Growth versus Hawaii

on February 20, 2023 in Models

Everyone says GDP has to grow or everything will fall apart, based on economic theory. When Captain Cook found Hawaii in 1778, people had lived there for at least 500 years. 500 years before now, the human population was 450 million, suggesting that 500 years was enough for Hawaiians to overrun the islands and cause them to collapse. They didn’t, meaning they must have stopped growing, for centuries. Yet they[…] Keep reading →

I can charge on my roof in February in shorts and a tank top. Stop polluting!

on February 15, 2023 in Addiction, Nature

Today hit 66F (19C) in New York. I took advantage of the sunshine to charge on the roof and was more than comfortable in shorts and a tank top. This was me today: You must know that the people who predicted the Earth would warm also predicted if we didn’t change wholesale immediately human population would collapse in our lifetime. That means you’re putting your life at risk. How are[…] Keep reading →

668: Christopher Ketcham: Growthism Versus Sustainability

on February 8, 2023 in Podcast

Reading Christopher’s story in the Pacific Standard, The Fallacy of Endless Economic Growth What economists around the world get wrong about the future, made me contact him. It was one of the only reviews of criticism of our culture’s attempting to grow the economy and population forever that didn’t prioritize growth dogma over understanding. The article centered on the book Limits to Growth, its analysis, and the unhinged criticism of[…] Keep reading →

668: Christopher Ketcham: Growthism Versus Sustainability

on February 8, 2023 in Podcast

Reading Christopher’s story in the Pacific Standard, The Fallacy of Endless Economic Growth What economists around the world get wrong about the future, made me contact him. It was one of the only reviews of criticism of our culture’s attempting to grow the economy and population forever that didn’t prioritize growth dogma over understanding. The article centered on the book Limits to Growth, its analysis, and the unhinged criticism of[…] Keep reading →

667: James Oakes, part 1: Sustainability and Abolition in the United States

on February 5, 2023 in Podcast

The only was I can see how we can avoid environmental disaster leading to human population collapse is by changing our culture—every unsustainable culture but America most, as the most polluting per capita large nation. Can we do it in time? Humanity has changed on a global level within a few generations at least once before. Slavery was legal, normal, and seen as good around the globe since before written[…] Keep reading →

667: James Oakes, part 1: Sustainability and Abolition in the United States

on February 5, 2023 in Podcast

The only was I can see how we can avoid environmental disaster leading to human population collapse is by changing our culture—every unsustainable culture but America most, as the most polluting per capita large nation. Can we do it in time? Humanity has changed on a global level within a few generations at least once before. Slavery was legal, normal, and seen as good around the globe since before written[…] Keep reading →

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