Search Results for: population

The book The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels; freedom, ingenuity, progress, and related books, videos, and resources.

on March 26, 2022 in Freedom, Nature, Nonjudgment

I’ve read a lot of books and watched a lot of movies on the environment and leadership. The ones I find most valuable I put on my environmental leadership resource page. Recently, I read the New York Times bestseller The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels by Alex Epstein. I put a brief summary of his case, as I understand it, at the bottom of this post. I had seen the[…] Keep reading →

Everyone is avoiding what’s hard on the environment in favor of what’s easy even when effective.

on March 25, 2022 in Education, Nature

You know when you have an important job, how you often clean your room or do some other busy work instead of taking on the challenges? That’s what we’re doing on the environment. Here are some examples. Hard problem 1: Teaching about nature Everyone talks about teaching more science in school, especially environmental. Teaching children science avoids the serious problem: adults who don’t understand about nature, cause and effect, observation,[…] Keep reading →

The “Affordable Housing” challenge

on March 11, 2022 in Creativity, Nature

If you believe, as I do, that humans have overpopulated the Earth, there’s a big problem with affordable housing. Every politician promotes building more buildings, and attaching the term “affordable housing” to any project helps it get popular support. I don’t remember hearing anyone oppose “affordable housing.” Before cars overran cities, people didn’t complain about building highways into cities. Few people, maybe no one, anticipated induced demand, where building roads[…] Keep reading →

If you think we can feed 10 billion people sustainably in 2050, why don’t we live sustainably now? Why don’t you?

on February 25, 2022 in Nature

The internet is filled with people projecting how we can feed 10 billion people in 2050. Here are a bunch, the result of searching on “how we will feed 10 billion people.” I ask rhetorically, “If you think we can feed 10 billion people sustainably,” why don’t we live sustainably now? More to the point: why aren’t you living sustainably now? Why are nearly no humans anywhere on Earth living[…] Keep reading →

The time and money we spend on social media, clothes, and gaming is insane, part 1: Social media and clothes.

on February 14, 2022 in Habits

People spout bullshit that they don’t have time or money for home-cooking, daily exercise, or to sleep enough. I’m sure you’re different, but I’ll bring up numbers on things people spend time and money on. From: Average Time Spent Daily on Social Media (Latest 2022 Data) On average, we spend 144 minutes, or two hours and twenty-four minutes, on social media but this number is just that – an average.[…] Keep reading →

557: Rollie Williams, part 1: Comedy and climate change

on February 1, 2022 in Podcast

I hope you know Climate Town. Watch a bunch of episodes if you haven’t. This Sustainable Life listeners and hosts talk about the show. It’s funny and fun, yet intelligent and informative. On top of the content, I watch the backgrounds, which often take place where I live in lower Manhattan and where I went to school, at Columbia, where Rollie went to. So I contacted him and his team.[…] Keep reading →

557: Rollie Williams, part 1: Comedy and climate change

on February 1, 2022 in Podcast

I hope you know Climate Town. Watch a bunch of episodes if you haven’t. This Sustainable Life listeners and hosts talk about the show. It’s funny and fun, yet intelligent and informative. On top of the content, I watch the backgrounds, which often take place where I live in lower Manhattan and where I went to school, at Columbia, where Rollie went to. So I contacted him and his team.[…] Keep reading →

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