Search Results for: population

610: Abortion and Sustainability

on July 23, 2022 in Podcast

Here are the notes I read from: 40% of pregnancies are unplanned. Overpopulation is a major problem for environment so it’s a topic for this podcast. Girlfriend who pressured me into unprotected sex and got pregnant Not only women’s issue. Men have as much value to add as anyone who hasn’t been robbed or murdered to speak on robbery and murder. Her power, reversing her word, pressuring, irresponsibility, tear Financial[…] Keep reading →

610: Abortion and Sustainability

on July 23, 2022 in Podcast

Here are the notes I read from: 40% of pregnancies are unplanned. Overpopulation is a major problem for environment so it’s a topic for this podcast. Girlfriend who pressured me into unprotected sex and got pregnant Not only women’s issue. Men have as much value to add as anyone who hasn’t been robbed or murdered to speak on robbery and murder. Her power, reversing her word, pressuring, irresponsibility, tear Financial[…] Keep reading →

For humanity to be sustainable, every person must live sustainably, including you. Time to quit waiting and start acting.

on June 17, 2022 in Nature

Most people, maybe everyone, seem to think they can live a polluting lifestyle and someone somewhere else can undo their pollution. They’ll use plastic and some kid will invent a boat that will scrape it from the ocean or breed a fungus that will digest it. They’ll buy a plane ticket and someone will plant a bunch of trees to undo the damage. The scientific ignorance in this view should[…] Keep reading →

Some flying pollution numbers

on June 6, 2022 in Nature

Why do I harp on flying so much? Doesn’t flying only contribute about two percent to global warming? While measurable, that fraction sounds small. And since everyone flies, doesn’t avoiding flying inconvenience a lot of people for little gain? The evidence contradicts that view, so time to lose it. Few people fly. If you fly internationally or more than once a year, you’re part of a small elite of a[…] Keep reading →

Health and longevity of other cultures

on May 2, 2022 in Awareness

We tend to think we live in the most free, healthiest, longest-living, most egalitarian, most stable culture humans have ever had. In some cases, yes, but in others, it turns out otherwise. It seems we project onto other times and cultures what will make us feel better about our own. I like feeling good about myself, but an inaccurate view keeps me from improving my situation. I want to understand[…] Keep reading →

My brief conversation with a heroin addict thanking me

on April 5, 2022 in Addiction, Habits, Relationships

As you know, I pick up litter daily, including at least three pieces from the northwest corner of Washington Square Park since the pandemic brought such hopelessness to it in the form of syringes, pipes, and the community and police abdicating responsibility to it. I don’t expect to revitalize the area by myself, but I’m not going to do nothing. I’m going to do something. As I walked along yesterday,[…] Keep reading →

How We Reached Our Environmental Predicament so We Can Take Responsibility

on April 2, 2022 in Leadership, Nature

The situation: More people than ever are living healthy, happy lives yet Pollution and garbage are growing and accelerating Predictions suggest our waste is going to cause nearly everyone on Earth to suffer including many dying and, here’s the big confounding issue We can’t stop ourselves. With rare exception, everyone I know and even know of knows they are polluting, hurting people by it, so potentially contributing to the greatest[…] Keep reading →

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