Search Results for: population

The scams that keep us from solving our environmental problems

on June 17, 2021 in Models, Nature

The greenhouse effect was front page news in the 1980s and known long before. Plus plastic, mercury, deforestation, extinctions, and you’ve read the front page. You know the problems. We don’t just not act. We tell ourselves lies that we’ll solve the problem. We’ve told ourselves lie after lie, scam after scam, to keep from changing our behavior. The Scams The following are all scams that delay acting. None of[…] Keep reading →

473: James Suzman: What We Can Learn From 300,000 Years of Human History

on June 12, 2021 in Podcast

Longtime readers of my blog know how much James Suzman’s first book influenced my thinking and views of possessions, community, ownership, modernity, and a range of similar topics. A top question I’ve asked anyone who might know is how populations that didn’t grow despite sharing our biology that has grown exponentially for centuries. If knowing history is wise and knowing history farther back wiser, James’s living with the San Bushmen[…] Keep reading →

473: James Suzman: What We Can Learn From 300,000 Years of Human History

on June 12, 2021 in Podcast

Longtime readers of my blog know how much James Suzman’s first book influenced my thinking and views of possessions, community, ownership, modernity, and a range of similar topics. A top question I’ve asked anyone who might know is how populations that didn’t grow despite sharing our biology that has grown exponentially for centuries. If knowing history is wise and knowing history farther back wiser, James’s living with the San Bushmen[…] Keep reading →

How I keep going when I feel like giving up (which is often)

on June 8, 2021 in Choosing/Decision-Making, Models, Tips

If you choose to act on sustainability, you will face darkness. You will want to give up. You will feel alone, misunderstood. I don’t say so to dissuade, but to prepare to face a part of all of us. Nobody is polluting because they are monsters. We’re all human. What is the alternative to confronting this part of us? To give up? To try to ignore and forget and try[…] Keep reading →

469: Podcast episode: The Science Book of the Decade: Energy and Human Ambitions on a Finite Planet

on June 3, 2021 in Podcast

I didn’t think of how small my building’s elevators were when I bought a sofa after moving into my current apartment. It didn’t fit. The deliverymen tried to bring it up the stairs too. They made the first landing, but couldn’t make the turn to go up the next flight. They had to take it back. I ended up paying a $300 restocking fee plus big tips for the deliverymen’s[…] Keep reading →

469: The Science Book of the Decade: Energy and Human Ambitions on a Finite Planet, by Tom Murphy

on June 2, 2021 in Podcast

I didn’t think of how small my building’s elevators were when I bought a sofa after moving into my current apartment. It didn’t fit. The deliverymen tried to bring it up the stairs too. They made the first landing, but couldn’t make the turn to go up the next flight. They had to take it back. I ended up paying a $300 restocking fee plus big tips for the deliverymen’s[…] Keep reading →

Memorial Day Glory in Greenwich Village

on May 31, 2021 in Fitness, Stories

Yesterday, walking south along the Hudson River, I saw a guy running sprints on a pier. The temperature hovered around 50F (10C). It had rained on and off all day and was raining then. He was alone, running sprints in the rain. I call that commitment where no one would know if you didn’t glorious. I was out on my daily walk to pick up litter. I was taking a[…] Keep reading →

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