Search Results for: population

451: Alexandra Paul, part 1: A Genuine Celebrity Role Model

on April 16, 2021 in Podcast

I saw a TEDx talk on population where the speaker spoke thoughtfully and persuasively on overpopulation. I consider the topic among the most important on the environment, yet nearly no one talks about it, so I had to find out who she was and invite her to the podcast. She turned out to be a huge celebrity. Most people who talk about population are academics, at least in my experience.[…] Keep reading →

451: Alexandra Paul, part 1: A Genuine Celebrity Role Model

on April 16, 2021 in Podcast

I saw a TEDx talk on population where the speaker spoke thoughtfully and persuasively on overpopulation. I consider the topic among the most important on the environment, yet nearly no one talks about it, so I had to find out who she was and invite her to the podcast. She turned out to be a huge celebrity. Most people who talk about population are academics, at least in my experience.[…] Keep reading →

Alexandra Paul

on April 15, 2021 in Podcast

Alexandra has appeared in 100 feature films and television programs, usually as the first or second female lead. She is internationally recognized for her 5-year starring role as Lt. Stephanie Holden in the TV series Baywatch. Alexandra recently launched her wellness coaching business. As a health coach, Alexandra personally coaches clients on the phone all over the world, and speaks to groups on how to change their habits for a[…] Keep reading →

Thoughts on singing

on April 11, 2021 in Art, Creativity, Habits

I posted a few months ago my before and after two months on my singing practice. People I talk to have heard me talk about how much I’m growing to love singing, not that after only singing a few months daily I’ve caught up to a skill level a lot people probably got as children. I just barely sang before. Any art allows us to express ourselves in new ways,[…] Keep reading →

Vasectomies aren’t about fewer children. They’re about more sex.

on April 10, 2021 in Freedom, Nature, Relationships

When you talk about population as often as I do, the topic of vasectomies and other forms of contraception arises. People think vasectomies are about not having children. They’re not. A discovery I made about a different surgery will clarify. Almost two decades ago I got lasik surgery for my eyes. One day I needed glasses, the next I didn’t. I thought lasik gave me 20/20 vision, but that’s not[…] Keep reading →

Why I predict the Next Pandemic Will Happen Sooner Than in a Century. More like a decade or two.

on April 6, 2021 in Choosing/Decision-Making, Nature

I’m no epidemiologist, but some trends seem pretty obvious. While we haven’t suffered pandemics every hundred years as some have said, several have hit us and the last big one was about a hundred years ago. Then again, we’ve seen others more recently, like SARS and MERS. The causes of pandemics have been increasing. Not just happening, but we humans have increased them. I’m not saying we deliberately chose to[…] Keep reading →

Missing birds

on April 3, 2021 in Nature

I’ve been waking up a bit before 6am for the past few months, writing my manuscript with a writing workshop group that meets online that early. The sun rises soon after. That time used to be when birds chirped. The other day I heard one, maybe two birds chirping. Yes, I’m in the middle of New York City, but more birds used to chirp. Even pigeons seems scarce in Washington[…] Keep reading →

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