Search Results for: population

026: Joshua Spodek, The View From The Future (transcript)

on February 19, 2018 in Podcast

I want to talk today about a different big picture than the last one that I talked about in episode 20 of Leadership and the Environment, my last solo episode. Today I want to look at the world of today from the future say we make it through what looks like to me a mess. Today we live in a world with lots of systems that were created from beliefs[…] Keep reading →

Beliefs and the environment

on February 12, 2018 in Leadership, Models

I wanted to share some thoughts on reading The Invention of Nature: Alexander von Humboldt’s New World by Andrea Wulf, one of the New York Times’ 10 best books of 2017. Who is Alexander von Humboldt? The New York Times review of the book explains: Alexander von Humboldt was the pre-eminent scientist of his time. Contemporaries spoke of him as second in fame only to Napoleon. All over the Americas[…] Keep reading →

Easy and meaningful? Or pathetic?

on February 2, 2018 in Fitness

The dictionary defines pathetic as Having a capacity to move one to either compassion or pity In this post I’m not using pathetic to mean an insult in its familiar meaning. I mean it as having a capacity to move one to either compassion or pity. How else would you describe these suggestions for New Year’s resolutions in this article, 8 Easy, Meaningful New Year’s Resolutions for Better Health besides[…] Keep reading →

020: Joshua Spodek: The Big Picture (transcript)

on January 30, 2018 in Podcast

I wanted to do an episode on the big picture. I have no illusions that the episodes so far I’ve not made a very big effect on the environment in terms of carbon dioxide levels or emissions or pollution. But this podcast is about much more than just a podcast. So I want to talk about where I’m going with it, what the big plans are and at the end[…] Keep reading →

More Limits to Growth resources and understanding

on January 25, 2018 in Models, Nature

I’ve mentioned many times how I considered the approach to the environment, economy, population, etc by the book Limits to Growth the most comprehensive and valuable, though I hadn’t read much critical of it that didn’t seem politically motivated or starting from disagreement. I’ve wanted to find alternative perspectives. I found more resources and perspective, especially in two papers in American Scientist written by Brian Hayes. Both articles followed publishing[…] Keep reading →

016: Daniel Gefen, Conversation 1 transcript

on January 22, 2018 in Podcast

Daniel and I had an unscripted, unguarded, very vulnerable conversation. It’s not often that two men on an Internet chat that tears well up and people get choked up. He actually ended up posting this interview on his podcast because of the rawness of the emotion that came up and so look at the notes for this podcast to get the links to his podcast to listen to that. This[…] Keep reading →

Affluence Without Abundance, Part 2: Hunting

on January 19, 2018 in Awareness, Nature, Stories

When I last ate meat in 1990, maybe 1989, I tried to persuade others to stop too. I just ended up in arguments. Since then, I’ve come to appreciate more views on the practice. I don’t see it as right, wrong, good, or bad. In fact, I get annoyed by people who try to impose their values on eating meat on others even if I share those values. (I see[…] Keep reading →

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