Srikumar Rao’s talk follow-up: deep discounts on January’s class

on December 21, 2011 in Awareness, Blog, Creativity, Leadership

To follow up the talk I organized for Srikumar Rao, Srikumar’s business manager offered deep discounts (almost half price) for members of the Columbia Business School alumni club (anyone can join, whether they went there or not) to take the New York session of his course, Creativity and Personal Mastery (CPM). Having taken it about four years ago, I recommend the course without reservation. Click here for a pdf with[…] Keep reading →

“Elements” — Special viewing of my art December 10, 8-10pm

on December 6, 2011 in Art, Creativity

Please join us for a special viewing of Elements Artwork by Joshua Spodek at District 36 If you missed my show at Crossing Art Gallery in June, this will be your first chance to see my new series. If you’ve only seen my public pieces Union Square and Bryant Park, this series is on a whole other level. Plus we can have wine here. If you haven’t seen it since[…] Keep reading →

Director of MTA Arts for Transit on Union Square in Motion

on November 26, 2011 in Art, Blog, Creativity

The Architectural League of New York‘s online magazine Urban Omnibus interviewed Sandra Bloodworth, the Director of the MTA Arts for Transit. In the article, “Arts for Transit: A Conversation with Sandra Bloodworth,” she mentions Union Square in Motion, which is also shown in photograph. Considering others mentioned and pictured include Roy Lichtenstein, Sol LeWitt, and Elizabeth Murray, that’s an honor. The quality and quantity of art within the MTA is[…] Keep reading →

Central Park: Sunday’s stunning explosion of autumn colors

on November 15, 2011 in Art, Blog, Creativity, Nature

A friend asked what site to see in New York City if she could only see one. Without hesitation I said Central Park. Thinking about it later, I thought if an alien asked what site to see on Earth if he, she, or it could only see one. I might still say Central Park. I’ve seen beautiful days, but none more so than Sunday, when Central Park exploded with autumn[…] Keep reading →

Union Square in Motion on NY1

on November 6, 2011 in Art, Blog, Creativity

Usually I keep the stories about art on the art page, but a two-minute news story on NY1 on Union Square in Motion gets special mention. The reporters did their research and spent time understanding the piece. Plus with the designers Coco && Breezy passing by and being interviewed, the exchange was amazing. Below is the news story and here is the link to the NY1 story online. The video[…] Keep reading →

Union Square in Motion NY1 Interview with designers

on November 4, 2011 in Art, Creativity

The scene: Friday 10am at Union Square in Motion. NY1 is interviewing Jeanne Kelly, Josefina Santos, and me. After the interviews, the NY1 crew record us watching the display. The action: While recording us, as often happens, a group of maybe ten or so riders stops to watch the display too. Among the people who stop are there particularly stylish people who show more enthusiasm and interest in the art[…] Keep reading →

North Korean propaganda and our advertising, part 3

on October 29, 2011 in Art, Awareness, Freedom, NorthKorea

Continuing from yesterday… If you’re American or in a developed country, you’re probably overweight, though your grandparents and all earlier ancestors probably didn’t even know anyone overweight. You probably watch television nearly as much as you work, though your grandparents and all earlier ancestors didn’t have televisions. You may have little to no physical activity in your life, though your grandparents and all earlier ancestors were physically active every day.[…] Keep reading →

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