Xu Bing’s gallery show at the Shanghai Gallery of Art

on May 20, 2012 in Art, Blog, Creativity

I enjoyed a show by an artist named Xu Bing at the Shanghai Gallery of Art. He created a book using only symbols so that anyone could understand it, no matter what language they spoke. The show showed the book and the four-year process he took to create it. The simple, blocky images telling a story suggested to me that taking simple, direct pictures of them would tell the story[…] Keep reading →

My interview by Leaders in Software and Art

on April 9, 2012 in Art, Blog, Creativity

Leaders in Software and Art posted their interview of me at my solo show at Crossing Art Gallery last June. I thought Isabel did great camera work with a medium that’s hard to capture on video (EDIT: see comment below, where Isabel pointed out Jeff Becker did the camera work). I’m in Beijing, where the government blocks video-sharing sites, so I can’t see how the above video renders. Here’s the[…] Keep reading →

Telling my awesome story on stage about inspiring my mom’s first marathon

on February 29, 2012 in Art, Blog, Fitness, Humor

Monday night I told my second story at the Moth, to about two hundred people. A bit scary, though not as scary as last time, but awesome! Improving public speaking improves your abilities in almost any field. Few structures match the story structure in engaging people to listen. That’s why I stuck my neck out to practice storytelling in public — to exercise useful skills. And to have fun, of[…] Keep reading →

Forget what you have. What can you create?

on February 23, 2012 in Blog, Creativity, Tips

Think of what you want in life — from work, play, relationships, etc. Now think of what you already have in those areas. Many people evaluate their lives by what they have. Great. What you have doesn’t tell you as much as what you can create. What you have describes the culmination of a past you can’t change. The ingredients to create — usually skills more than material possessions —[…] Keep reading →

Improve your public speaking through storytelling, part 2

on February 10, 2012 in Art, Blog, Creativity, Tips

Yesterday I suggested ways to improve your storytelling skills through practice. Performing in public can be daunting, so today I’ll tell about my first experience telling a story in front of hundreds of people, being judged. First, despite my anxiety before going up, I loved the experience, learned a lot, and without a doubt will do it again. I recommend it to anyone, especially if you’re scared, like I was.[…] Keep reading →

Improve your public speaking through storytelling, part 1

on February 9, 2012 in Art, Blog, Creativity, Tips

Want to improve one of the most important skills for any field, almost free? Want to hook and engage anyone you communicate with? Tell a story. Everyone knows it, but it bears repeating. All communication can benefit from having it tell a story. Whether you’re pitching a product, pitching your company, answering a question in a job interview, talking to a friend, flirting on a date, or anything, humans love[…] Keep reading →

This photograph is free!

on January 11, 2012 in Art, Blog, Creativity, Freedom

I find this picture of the Eiffel Tower beautiful. A guy named Tristan Nitot took the picture and posted it for people to share and enjoy in a post called “This photograph is free.” He posted it in response to some other guy whose name I don’t know who posted a picture he took entitled “This photograph is not free.” I won’t link to him because I’m afraid he might attack[…] Keep reading →

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