My fitness beliefs and habits, part 1: Principles

on July 17, 2012 in Awareness, Blog, Fitness, Freedom

A reader asked I like what you said about the body being a reflection of how we live our life. I also agree about the genetics; its too much of a cop out to say that you can’t help being obese. I do have a question though. Your photos show that you are in shape but you have previously posted that your workout regimen consists of only a minute of[…] Keep reading →

You don’t find your passion, you create it

on July 15, 2012 in Awareness, Blog, Leadership, Tips

A client asked how to find your passion (in the context of relationships, as you’ll see). I wrote the following (slightly edited). ——————————– You don’t find some single latent passion within you, if only you can find it. You create it. What is passion? It’s powerful emotion. Emotion doesn’t come from out there. It comes from in here. How do you create something in here? Not by looking out there.[…] Keep reading →

The scourge of romantic comedies

on July 7, 2012 in Blog

Romantic comedies hurt us. If you know me long enough you’ll hear many reasons why. Today I’ll talk about a couple. In nearly all of them the girl comes to realize how great the guy really is under the surface. She realizes who he really is. She also realizes who the bad guy is and why he’s bad. Unsuccessful guys who just know how great they are underneath see them[…] Keep reading →

If you crave something you don’t have, people who have it will always be able to control you

on July 6, 2012 in Blog, Freedom

The title of this post speaks for itself so I’ll keep it short. I just keep seeing people wishing they had more than they need not realizing how they are creating jails for themselves, giving others control over their lives. If you always want more money, people with more money will get you to work for them. If you want fame, people with access to media will get you to[…] Keep reading →

You don’t have to accept anyone else’s hierarchy of taste

on July 5, 2012 in Art, Awareness, Blog

I posted on another board in a discussion on taste Is classical music better than punk? Museum art better than street art? Haute cuisine better than burritos? Is the op-ed page better than stand-up comedy? Is classical philosophy better than folk wisdom? My life improved when I learned I didn’t have to accept anyone else’s hierarchy of taste. Most people may consider one better than another, but I’ve learned to[…] Keep reading →

Spending less improves your life

on June 30, 2012 in Blog, Freedom, Leadership, NorthKorea, Tips

Preface: I started writing this blog about how cutting personal costs (of any resource, including time, money, energy, attention, etc) improves your personal life. Rereading it I realized it overlapped so much with what leaders can do in business, I’ll tag it leadership too. Translating the post into business-speak I’ll leave as an exercise to the reader. You can probably do it on the fly. People who know me in[…] Keep reading →

The bigger problems you don’t consider big deals, the more important people consider you

on June 29, 2012 in Blog, Leadership, Tips

Does the title of this post not explain itself? People who know what they’re doing stay calm under pressure. Things that bother some people don’t bother them. People who don’t know what they’re doing freak out at little things. In money terms, if you don’t have enough to live on, problems on the scale of a few dollars may bother you. If you have millions, problems of a thousands of[…] Keep reading →

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