Getting through the challenges of personal development

on February 11, 2012 in Leadership, Tips

I gave this advice to someone I coach going through a difficult period and got feedback it was “golden.” So if you’re someone endeavoring to develop personally or professionally and making progress but feeling despair, impatience, frustration, or something similar, I hope this advice helps you. I’ve come to believe all meaningful personal development has periods of self-doubt, wondering if it’s worth it, and such. Anyone can sit on a[…] Keep reading →

Improve your public speaking through storytelling, part 2

on February 10, 2012 in Art, Blog, Creativity, Tips

Yesterday I suggested ways to improve your storytelling skills through practice. Performing in public can be daunting, so today I’ll tell about my first experience telling a story in front of hundreds of people, being judged. First, despite my anxiety before going up, I loved the experience, learned a lot, and without a doubt will do it again. I recommend it to anyone, especially if you’re scared, like I was.[…] Keep reading →

Improve your public speaking through storytelling, part 1

on February 9, 2012 in Art, Blog, Creativity, Tips

Want to improve one of the most important skills for any field, almost free? Want to hook and engage anyone you communicate with? Tell a story. Everyone knows it, but it bears repeating. All communication can benefit from having it tell a story. Whether you’re pitching a product, pitching your company, answering a question in a job interview, talking to a friend, flirting on a date, or anything, humans love[…] Keep reading →

More labels not helping: a man’s autism vanishes

on February 8, 2012 in Blog, Nature

If you look for problems you’ll find them. And you’ll fill your life with problems. But if you look for solutions you’ll find them too, and you’ll fill your life with solutions. You’ll find your problems go away or don’t show up at all. A day after posting on labels not helping with introversion and extraversion came this op-ed piece on a guy whom doctors diagnosed with autism, supposedly “a[…] Keep reading →

“Introverted” / “Extroverted”: labels hold you back from improving your life

on February 7, 2012 in Blog, Nature

On a discussion online about introversion and extraversion, I responded to someone pointing out that the labels of introversion and extraversion hurt more than they helped. Labels add no value and hold people back from improving their lives. Dealing with groups requires one set of skills. Dealing with solitude requires another (with much overlap). If you don’t have skills for one situation you will avoid it. Once you acquire the[…] Keep reading →

More on burpees

on February 2, 2012 in Blog, Fitness, Tips

[This post is part of a series on my daily exercise and starting and keeping challenging habits. If you don’t see a Table of Contents to the left, click here to view the series, where you’ll get more value than reading just this post.] A few words on burpees and working out to follow up the past two days’ posts (yesterday, the day before) Having read that some people consider[…] Keep reading →

Grand Illusions and North Korea, part 2

on February 1, 2012 in Blog

Following up yesterday’s thoughts on illusions our leaders benefit from, another occurred to me in learning about ping-pong diplomacy, the 1970s sports phenomenon that contributed to opening relations between the U.S. and China. In particular, the United States and Chinese governments followed, not led, the opening process. The government of each country called the other its enemy and armed itself against the other. Yet I expect most people of each[…] Keep reading →

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