The basic Passion-Attraction Model in one relationship

on August 6, 2013 in Awareness, Blog

Yesterday covered the basic Passion-Attraction Model and some caveats. Today let’s look at how the P-AM models passion and attraction in a single relationship. (Tomorrow we’ll look at it multiple relationships). I find that the better I can visualize many ideas, the more clearly I can think about them, so this model’s illustrations help me understand my feelings in a relationship. Then I can plan and act to improve myself[…] Keep reading →

Introducing a new model: Passion and Attraction

on August 5, 2013 in Awareness, Blog

I’m starting a new series today on a new model, this time on passion and attraction. Everyone I showed it to told me it gave them useful insights, so I expect you’ll find value in it too. I’ll apply the model mainly to intimate relationships, but you can also apply it to anything that evokes passion, attraction, or both, like hobbies, jobs, sports, and so on. So what does a[…] Keep reading →

Do you want new beliefs and models?

on August 2, 2013 in Blog

I’ve gotten encouraging feedback on my series on my daily beliefs and how to create your own. A friend wrote with an idea to involve readers to help make the series more useful and active: to offer readers suggestions for alternatives to beliefs and models that are holding them back. New ideas could come from me or other readers. I liked his idea. Today I’m opening up to people looking to[…] Keep reading →

A curious way to measure intimacy and an effective way to increase it

on August 1, 2013 in Blog, Humor, Tips

I’ll share today an unexpected and curious way to tell how much intimacy you have with someone and an effective way to increase it. By intimacy, I mean any kind of intimacy, which could be in a professional, friendly, romantic, or any other type of relationship. Intimacy increases trust and decreases friction between people so it’s valuable to have. Knowing how much you have tells you how closely you can[…] Keep reading →

How to hate less and grow in the process, simply

on July 31, 2013 in Blog, Tips

Today’s post is a new exercise I made up that I found improved my thought patterns. It’s simple and takes no time, money, or other resources. Just your attention. It combines three things that work for me: changing words to change you thoughts, celebrating what you accept, and a property about truth. Ingredient 1: changing words changes your thoughts I’ve written about simple exercises to change a few words here[…] Keep reading →

When to get rid of things

on July 23, 2013 in Blog, Freedom

I’ve written before about getting rid of stuff and the challenges of getting rid of things you once wanted to keep. You feel like if you once valued something and now don’t you’ll lose something important. Maybe you should examine your values and how they changed. Slow-going apartment renovations have led me to live with a lot of my stuff in storage following living in Shanghai without much stuff for[…] Keep reading →

120 burpees yesterday! 10,000 burpees at 2×20 per day!

on July 18, 2013 in Blog, Fitness

[This post is part of a series on my daily exercise and starting and keeping challenging habits. If you don’t see a Table of Contents to the left, click here to view the series, where you’ll get more value than reading just this post.] While writing yesterday’s post on accepting my friend Dave’s challenge to do one hundred burpees in thirty-seven minutes I ate a banana for energy and mentally[…] Keep reading →

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