Category Archives: Blog

How many Mozarts, Galileos, or Aristotles are there today?

on October 28, 2013 in Art, Blog, Creativity

Pick any great historical figure. We often regard them as unparalleled geniuses the likes of which we may never see again. On the other hand, they were human beings like us. They performed in some areas well beyond average. What if their abilities or traits weren’t once ever but once in a generation? It’s interesting to see what you conclude, as I’ll show. Then we’d expect to see others of[…] Keep reading →

You have to say no to a lot of good things to have a great life

on October 27, 2013 in Awareness, Blog

I say these words to myself daily or nearly so. I’ve posted them before and I expect I will again. They bear repeating and deserve a post to themselves. You have to say no to a lot of good things to have a great life. I don’t see declining an opportunity as giving it up so much as giving myself more time and resources for something I value more. I[…] Keep reading →

The shells we put around ourselves

on October 26, 2013 in Awareness, Blog

As children we start defenseless. I don’t mean physically, though we start physically defenseless too. I mean kids don’t protect themselves from being emotionally hurt or having their identities challenged. Kids say things we adults recognize we would catch in mental filters before speaking. What mental filters? Everybody knows what I mean. As we get older we learn to protect our vulnerabilities. We learn protocol and manners. We learn how[…] Keep reading →

Method acting, leadership, and improving your life, from James Lipton

on October 25, 2013 in Art, Blog, Education, Leadership

I’ve written before about the television show Inside the Actors Studio and how much the young field of leadership training could stand to learn from the longstanding field of acting training. Below is an interview of the host of Inside the Actors Studio, James Lipton, describing the transformation acting training went through with Constantine Stanislavsky. Leadership training stands to benefit from similar changes, and that field inspires me to help[…] Keep reading →

How you know when a deal is done

on October 24, 2013 in Blog, Entrepreneurship

I have an easy way to tell when I’ve completed a deal with someone: A deal is done when the contract is signed. Or as I think of it: An unsigned contract is not a signed contract. I’ve found it valuable to distinguish between them. I’ve learned not to spend money due on an unsigned contract. Many people consider a deal done with people have agreed on terms. People often[…] Keep reading →

Reject every belief in my book but learn to create your own before adopting mine without learning that skill

on October 23, 2013 in Blog, Creativity

People are emailing about my awesome new book everyone should read, ReModel: Create mental models to improve your life and lead simply and effectively. Several people said they found a concept in the Introduction particularly meaningful, creating enthusiasm to read the rest of the book. I communicated that concept twice, first writing: I’d rather you learned to create your own beliefs and forgot mine than didn’t learn the skill and[…] Keep reading →

The two meanings of competition

on October 22, 2013 in Blog, Fitness

The concept of competition implies beating the other person. In sports the concept is a standard, fundamental part. In everyday use outside of sports that beating the other person often carries a tinge of accusation or wrongdoing. People accuse others of being over-competitive, which they look down on. I’ve never heard anyone accuse another of being under-competitive. In business, competition often carries a noble ring. Business culture holds that business[…] Keep reading →

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