Category Archives: Blog

The problem determines the solution, not what you’re good at, not what you want to do, not what you can do.

on October 21, 2013 in Awareness, Blog

I wanted to follow up on a recent post, “You tell me what you do best. I’ll tell you what you do worst.” When you have a problem to solve, only one thing determines the solution: the problem itself. If you’re good at doing one thing, but another thing solves the problem, it doesn’t matter how well you do the other thing. Your skill may help solve the problem, but[…] Keep reading →

Near New York City? Watch the marathon November 3!

on October 20, 2013 in Blog, Fitness, Tips

Wait, I want to lead better. Why should I care about marathons? Running a marathon takes discipline, dedication, practice, drive, determination, and many skills relevant to becoming a leader and practicing leadership. You’ve heard many parts of leadership described as marathons, not sprints. Whether you want to train for and complete a literal marathon or just something like one, having marathons in your life as a competitor or spectator, improves[…] Keep reading →

Integrity in successful leaders: Gandhi cleaned toilets

on October 19, 2013 in Blog, Freedom, Leadership

This post is about integrity and sticking with your values. A few years ago I visited my father in Ahmedabad, India, the country he has studied his professional life. We visited Gandhi’s ashram, a community where people who wanted to learn about and support him went. It still exists, though mainly as a static, historical site. It’s a humble place on the banks of a river, humbler than you’d expect[…] Keep reading →

How to lower executive pay

on October 18, 2013 in Blog, Education, Leadership

The New Yorker this week has yet another article on executive pay, how high it is, how it continues to grow, and how attempts to slow it aren’t working. Everybody knows the situation. We’ve read tons of such articles. We know executive pay is high enough that it isn’t getting what shareholders are paying for, but no one can stop its growth. Want to lower executive pay? Basic economics and[…] Keep reading →

Leadership, community, and how I got Hacker News’s second-highest average karma

on October 17, 2013 in Blog, Freedom

Leadership creates community. I’m writing today on leadership and creating community in a specific context for clarity, but it applies to anyone’s participation in any community, online or off. I expect you can translate everything below to your world easily enough. If not, comment below and I’ll clarify. An effective measure of your leadership skills is how much community you create. Another is how much your community appreciates you. Online[…] Keep reading →

You tell me what you do best. I’ll tell you what you do worst.

on October 16, 2013 in Awareness, Blog, Leadership, Tips

Today I’ll cover an exercise I do in my seminar and when I address a group of professionals. You can do it while reading this post. It teaches you about Yourself Self-awareness Teamwork, especially team building I can cover it in a few minutes or can use it to discuss teamwork, self-awareness, and my experience for thirty-minutes or more. Introduction I start by telling the group “I’m going to ask[…] Keep reading →

Insensitive, compassionless people

on October 15, 2013 in Blog

This blog talks a lot about beliefs and how you can create your own. I don’t always talk about the limits to what skills creating beliefs can give you. If your mind can’t accept a belief, it won’t work for you. For example, maybe I’d be happier if I believed I could fly, but I have too much evidence to the contrary. I just can’t believe it. Sometimes a belief[…] Keep reading →

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