Category Archives: Creativity

My first kombucha tastes off-the-charts delicious!

on March 13, 2022 in Art, Creativity

I’ve never cared much one way or the other about kombucha. I’ve tasted it once or twice, but it comes packaged, so I avoid it. I’ve been making vinegar for a while from apples and water, sometimes adding sugar, since I have some a neighbor left when he moved. The vinegar tastes delicious and has resulted in a bunch of the yeast and bacteria cultures that grow as I pass[…] Keep reading →

The “Affordable Housing” challenge

on March 11, 2022 in Creativity, Nature

If you believe, as I do, that humans have overpopulated the Earth, there’s a big problem with affordable housing. Every politician promotes building more buildings, and attaching the term “affordable housing” to any project helps it get popular support. I don’t remember hearing anyone oppose “affordable housing.” Before cars overran cities, people didn’t complain about building highways into cities. Few people, maybe no one, anticipated induced demand, where building roads[…] Keep reading →

Have we lost the imagination to improve life without fossil fuels?

on March 9, 2022 in Creativity, Entrepreneurship, Nature

I’ve asked people lately to come up with examples they consider major advances in life in their lifetime not requiring extracting more fossil fuels. Or even the last century. People come up with antibiotics, but they started long before; solar energy, but it requires fossil fuels; nuclear energy, but it requires fossil fuels; and then start giving up. I can’t think of much either. The Green Revolution fundamentally burns fossil[…] Keep reading →

My Solar Experiment to Go Off the Electric Grid in Manhattan Continues

on February 20, 2022 in Creativity, Leadership, Nature

Months ago I bought a battery (used off Craigslist) to power my apartment. They call them power stations, partly to sound more impressive, partly since they can receive and deliver electric power in many ways. The process started years ago, when I started reducing my electric power demand to where a battery would suffice, and I dropped my demand to a couple dollars worth per month. The other day I[…] Keep reading →

How Biden can pass his program with bipartisan support. With global support.

on December 19, 2021 in Creativity, Leadership, Nature, Tips

Joe Biden can lead in a lot more ways than using authority, which is the least effective tool of a leader. The President of the United States is not some guy on the street. He’s at a leverage point of a system, with great influence. Imagine if Biden stood with the protesters of a pipeline. Imagine he simply took an inventory of his personal waste and minimized it and showed[…] Keep reading →

How to reform taxes: A chess model

on December 5, 2021 in Creativity, Entrepreneurship, Tips, Visualization

People are proposing wealth taxes People are talking about taxing wealth. Everyone relies on society so if you own more, you use more and benefited more, they say, so should pay more. Besides, they add, the wealthy can structure what anyone would call income so it doesn’t look like income on taxes so avoid paying any taxes. Moreover, they further add, there’s no “natural” law that makes wealth untaxable, so[…] Keep reading →

Euphoria from food

on November 29, 2021 in Awareness, Creativity, Nature, Perception

I feel a euphoria when eating fresh fruits and vegetables, in particular my famous no-packaging vegan stews. It’s subtle enough to miss if I’m talking to someone or listening to a podcast, but wonderful. I’d pick it over the high from things refined from plants like coca, poppy, etc since I can do it every day my whole life with no unwanted side effects. It gives me plenty of wanted[…] Keep reading →

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