Category Archives: Education

Leadership you can’t teach

on August 4, 2016 in Education, Leadership

Since every leadership situation is unique, I can’t teach you what to do in every situation. I can teach you to lead so you can figure out how to lead in every situation. It’s like saying I can’t teach you how to get from any place to any other place but I can teach you to ride a bike so you can get from any place to any other.

This touching birthday note shows why I teach

on July 26, 2016 in Education, Entrepreneurship

I can’t tell you how honored and flattered I feel from the following message a former student sent me on my birthday. She took my class in her first semester in school, just months after finishing high school, and got her project running before the semester ended, still working with the partnership with the company she started forming that semester. Dear Josh, I would like to wish the most inspiring,[…] Keep reading →

What I do

on July 8, 2016 in Education, Leadership, Models

A friend read my book, ReModel, and asked me: Josh, what’s your model about yourself? He clarified: You wrote about how people can be Cathedral-Builders instead of being miserable. What’s your equivalent of being a Cathedral-Builder? “Cathedral-Builder” refers to the parable of The Three Stonecutters: Many years ago, a passerby saw three workers cutting stones in a quarry. Though they were doing similar work, one looked unhappy, another looked content,[…] Keep reading →

Breakthrough Science on Leadership and Why You Shouldn’t Read This Article

on June 29, 2016 in Education, Entrepreneurship,, Leadership

My article yesterday, “Breakthrough Science on Leadership and Why You Shouldn’t Read This Article” began Breakthrough Science on Leadership and Why You Shouldn’t Read This Article How great leaders who never learned leadership from science, books, or classes became great. As a leader, entrepreneur, and professor, I used to enjoy TED talks and learning about frontier science. Do you feel, watching them, like I felt: “This is forefront stuff. Since most people[…] Keep reading →

Despite What Harvard Says, You Don’t Need a Crucible

on June 20, 2016 in Education,, Leadership

My post, “Despite What Harvard Says, You Don’t Need a Crucible” begins Despite What Harvard Says, You Don’t Need a Crucible While some have become leaders by overcoming great challenges, don’t believe the myth that you need to. In September 2002, Warren Bennis and Robert Thomas wrote in Harvard Business Review‘s, Crucibles of Leadership, In interviewing more than 40 top leaders in business and the public sector over the past three years, we were surprised[…] Keep reading →

At Princeton’s ELab: How to get job offers by acting entrepreneurially

on June 10, 2016 in Education, Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Tips

I got a few short clips from my presentation on entrepreneurship when I spoke at Princeton’s Elab recently. In this clip I describe how to use behaving entrepreneurially to get job offers. If you want similar experiences, take my entrepreneurship course. It develops you in small steps to work up to handling interactions like this. Even if you don’t, call valuable people. Err on the side of making things happen.

The Unmistakable Creative podcast interviews me

on June 9, 2016 in Audio, Creativity, Education, Entrepreneurship, Exercises, Habits, Leadership

Listen to the podcast The Power of Experiential Learning with Joshua Spodek The Unmistakable Creative podcast just released its interviews of me. The interview covered leadership, entrepreneurship, education, and a bunch of my life and growth. Their lead quote from the interview: “No one who is learning to play a musical instrument, no one who wants to learn a musical instrument would ever take a class where they would lecture[…] Keep reading →

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