Category Archives: Entrepreneurship

Reminder: See my leadership seminar this weekend!

on September 17, 2013 in Blog, Education, Entrepreneurship, Events, Leadership

Brought to you by the Distinguished Leaders committee of the Columbia Business School Alumni Club of New York (copying the following announcement from that site): Leadership Through Self-Awareness and Emotional Intelligence In a weekend, learn how to develop your personal leadership skills, self-awareness, and emotional intelligence through the latest advances in cognitive behavioral science, evolutionary psychology, and positive psychology. While business schools and corporations are increasingly focusing on personal leadership,[…] Keep reading →

People who succeeded despite adversity, part 2

on September 11, 2013 in Blog, Entrepreneurship, Freedom, Leadership

[This post is part of a series on people who succeed despite adversity. If you don’t see a Table of Contents to the left, click here to view the series, where you’ll get more value than reading just this post.] Ask yourself which helps more — having advantages or learning to overcome adversity? I base this series on noticing how many extremely successful people had problems that mediocre people claim[…] Keep reading →

Leadership problems today and a call to action

on August 30, 2013 in Blog, Education, Entrepreneurship, Leadership

[I alluded to this topic before. I still have to write it up formally and edit it more than a daily post allows. I hope it gets the main ideas across. Please contact me if it interests you.] You only have to read the news to see the problems Do I have to convince anyone that we have many people in leadership positions who lead ineffectively? You only have to[…] Keep reading →

Another awesome success — Museum Hack and Nick Gray

on August 27, 2013 in Art, Blog, Creativity, Entrepreneurship, Leadership

An awesome side benefit of writing daily is that awesome people find you. Recently a guy wrote to tell me he liked my writing and invited me to participate in what seemed like a crazy project, but turned out to be one of the most awesome things I’ve done in New York City in a long time. And I’ve done a lot of awesome things in New York City. It’s[…] Keep reading →

See me on Leadership through Emotional Intelligence and Self-Awareness

on August 16, 2013 in Blog, Education, Entrepreneurship, Events, Leadership

Brought to you by the Distinguished Leaders committee of the Columbia Business School Alumni Club of New York (copying the following announcement from that site): Leadership Through Self-Awareness and Emotional Intelligence In a weekend, learn how to develop your personal leadership skills, self-awareness, and emotional intelligence through the latest advances in cognitive behavioral science, evolutionary psychology, and positive psychology. While business schools and corporations are increasingly focusing on personal leadership,[…] Keep reading →

Today’s Harvard student versus 176 years ago

on July 30, 2013 in Blog, Entrepreneurship, Nature

Let’s look at two former Harvard students from now and nearly two centuries ago. 176 years ago Henry Thoreau finished Harvard in 1837, one of its best-known students of his age. Let’s look at him before looking at this generation’s most prominent Harvard student. Thoreau wrote Walden, his treatise on living simply, escaping petty human affairs and gossip, appreciating nature, self-reliance, and such. He lived for two years mostly on[…] Keep reading →

A discussion I started last week

on July 29, 2013 in Blog, Entrepreneurship

Last week’s post The risks of someone calling you smart and how to avoid them, got reposted on another site and generated some discussion. The site, Hacker News, is a community with many entrepreneurs, geeks, and science and technology types. Here’s a link to the discussion. Check it out. I like that community and its discussions.

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