Category Archives: Fitness

Rowing by the Empire State Building

on August 15, 2020 in Fitness

In my podcast conversation with Joe De Sena, founder and CEO of the Spartan Race, we talked about the difference between exercising indoors versus outdoors. He said we give more exercising outdoors. I had been thinking for a while of bringing my rowing machine to my roof but hadn’t figured out how to get it up there since I don’t like taking the elevator. Joe carries boulders and tree trunks[…] Keep reading →

Everything I’ve eaten since returning home

on August 13, 2020 in Fitness, Nature

I was curious so decided to list all the foods I’ve eaten since returning home from staying with my mom and stepfather for the beginning of the pandemic. I think the following lists everything. Some people say my diet lacks variety since I talk about my famous no-packaging vegetable stews so much, but I don’t think I’ve had the same one twice and they differ so much between them. Legumes[…] Keep reading →

Full Lotus Position

on August 9, 2020 in Fitness

I first meditated almost fifteen years ago, starting with a ten-day no-reading no-writing, no-talking, diving in the deep end. It challenged me, but I went back periodically for more ten-day, five-day, three-day, and one-day sessions. I’ve written about the experiences here. I never felt the tug to meditate regularly, despite my other sidchas. This year I started two days out of my five-day exercise cycle. At the retreats, I usually[…] Keep reading →

The Packaged Food Challenge: See me with Joe De Sena on Spartan Up!

on July 22, 2020 in Fitness, Nature

I’ve written and recorded about my wonderful and challenging experiences with the Spartan Race and its founder Joe De Sena. He hosted me on his podcast, Spartan Up! I’ve found him and the community inspirational. I found his reflections in the video below before and after our conversation thoughtful and yet more inspirational. Where many people see the work and discomfort in personal challenge and push back, Joe sees opportunity[…] Keep reading →

More tired than in years

on July 19, 2020 in Fitness

I don’t remember the last time I was this tired, so I hope you’ll pardon me keeping it short. Wednesday I swam across the Hudson River, about 1 km across, though the current took us from across from about 70th Street to 35th Street. The distance the current took us didn’t tire me, but I walked to 39th Street from home and from 35th Street home. I take cold showers[…] Keep reading →

Greetings from Sparta

on July 17, 2020 in Fitness, Stories

Interviewing Joe De Sena for the podcast led to each of us inspiring each other, which led to friendship, which led to him inviting me to his Vermont farm, which is where I am. Joe founded The Spartan Race, an obstacle course that grew a movement. This picture illustrates the community. Several people I told I was coming up here knew about this farm and said, “You’re doing the Death[…] Keep reading →

Kings of sidchas

on June 20, 2020 in Fitness, Habits, Leadership, SIDCHAs

I knew my daily streaks of writing in my blog and doing burpees of nearly ten years were just starts. I like to find role models. I discovered sidcha streaks that dwarf mine, in fact that started before I was born. Two organizations—Streak Runners International and United States Running Streak Association—track people who have run at least a mile per day. Their slogan: “Through weather, injury, illness, and life events,[…] Keep reading →

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