Category Archives: Fitness

I rowed 100k (60 miles) in 22 days. Memento Mori.

on December 20, 2019 in Fitness, Habits, Stories

The manufacturer of my rowing machine, Concept2, created its annual holiday challenge. In honor of anyone rowing at least 100,000 meters between Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve, they would donate to a climate charity of your choice. Something got into me to do it. 26 days meant five of my workout cycles (day 1: lifting, day 2: Turkish Get Up (TGU), day 3: rest, day 4: cardio, day 5: rest). I[…] Keep reading →

Cold weather when I was young

on December 19, 2019 in Fitness, Stories

Running errands today in 16 degree weather (-9C) reminded me of a time playing Ultimate in college. I think it was the year we were in the finals of most regional tournaments against Wesleyan and expected to make nationals, though I don’t remember exactly since what do I remember exactly from around 1990? In any case, the only times we could all meet was super-early, maybe 6am. This was during[…] Keep reading →

Old athletes keep me young

on November 20, 2019 in Fitness

I’ve rowed enough on my erg to get decent times on the standard measure for rowing—the 2k. My best time is 7:43, which I consider good for lightweight 48-year-old guy. I’m considering competing the U.S. indoor rowing competition—not to win, but for the experience, figuring I might do okay. I looked up how lightweight men’s performances last year. My category: lightweight men 40-49 years In my category, I would have[…] Keep reading →

Exhaustion glory

on October 4, 2019 in Fitness, SIDCHAs

The other day, just walking down the street I felt super tired, like I got hit by a truck. Then I remembered that I lifted that morning and I had lifted more than ever before in my life. No wonder I felt exhausted. I had noticed I was lifting more than before that morning, but it slipped my mind when I went out for the day. I don’t lift heavy[…] Keep reading →

U.S. Obesity Rates Reach Historic Highs

on September 27, 2019 in Fitness, Nonjudgment

An organization called Trust for America’s Health released its latest obesity report. I don’t think many would call it good news. This graph caught my eye. We’re more obese than ever. The report said a lot more so I recommend reading more. It proposes remedies, but people have proposed remedies for decades and the trend continues. A quote from the report: “As recently as 2012, no state had an adult[…] Keep reading →

Protection from depression

on September 14, 2019 in Fitness, Freedom, Habits, SIDCHAs

I don’t know how long it takes time for depression to take root — that is, for someone feeling fine to feeling depressed. A quick web search didn’t show anything and I’m sure it differs from person to person. I imagine it rarely happens overnight. The reason I thought about it was a conversation with a friend about sidchas and my twice-daily burpee-based calisthenics. As he put it, motion creates[…] Keep reading →

Cold Showers Rock

on August 22, 2019 in Awareness, Exercises, Fitness, Freedom, Habits, SIDCHAs

I write a lot about cold showers. They may sound crazy, but bear with me and you may find them more helpful than you could have imagined. After taking a few in Shanghai because the water took five minutes to warm up that I couldn’t stand wasting, in December of 2013, I took thirty days of cold showers. I can’t tell you how much the discipline, dedication, and so on[…] Keep reading →

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