Category Archives: Fitness

On living your values with kids and a job

on June 3, 2023 in Fitness, Habits, SIDCHAs

Tell someone with kids or a job that you pollute less and they will tell you they can’t because of kids and a job. Then they’ll lecture you about your ignorance and how you couldn’t understand what it’s like, never mind that humans have had kids and had to work to eat and for shelter for 300,000 years. Have you read about the woman, Candice Burt, who ran fifty kilometers[…] Keep reading →

My sidchas, standard operating procedures, and preferences

on May 6, 2023 in Fitness, Freedom, Habits, SIDCHAs

I meant just to list all my sidchas in my post Freedom exists in structure; it’s not chaos, randomness, or luck. Here’s my structure and freedom, but I made a mistake. I included standard operating procedures with sidchas. I didn’t think of the distinction. One is habits. The other is the best way to do something. I’ve written about sidchas. What about operating procedures? If there’s a better way and[…] Keep reading →

Official heart rate: 47 bpm. Old man still got it.

on May 3, 2023 in Fitness, Habits

I value fitness as anyone knows with my calisthenics and all, as is accessibility, with my focus on bodyweight exercises. Those who email with me may have noticed I included as one of the statistics about how I live my life is my heart rate of 50 beats per minute. I was at a doctor’s office recently and they took my pulse a few times with a dedicated device, not[…] Keep reading →

Just finished another three-day water-only fast.

on February 27, 2023 in Fitness, Habits,

Years ago someone told me the first meal after a three-day water-only fast tastes life-changingly good. I’d heard of fasting then, but 1) didn’t think much of it and 2) thought humans would die after a couple days, even with water. But he didn’t seem like he was lying and I liked the idea of a life-changing experience that cost no time or money, rather would save them. In May[…] Keep reading →

Freedom exists in structure; it’s not chaos, randomness, or luck. Here’s my structure and freedom.

on February 25, 2023 in Choosing/Decision-Making, Fitness, Freedom, Habits, SIDCHAs

Freedom exists in structure. It’s not chaos, randomness, or luck. When I find something works in my life, I make it automatic. For many people, diet and exercise seem horror shows, or mysteries, wondering what they should do, how often, how much, and so on. When the most important bases of my life are automatic, I don’t have to think about them. I can focus on everything else. People might[…] Keep reading →

Do I get bored of my diet? What I ate in the last 24 hours.

on February 18, 2023 in Fitness, Habits, Nature

I once read that most people think their diet is more varied than they think. We fall back on what we like more often than we think. As a corollary, we tend to see others’ diets as less varied. (I couldn’t find the research on diet variety, but Most people think their diet is healthier than it is: U.S. adults commonly overestimate the quality of their diet, study shows, which[…] Keep reading →

200,000 burpees

on October 30, 2022 in Fitness, Habits, SIDCHAs

It’s easy to track how many burpees I do as part of my twice-daily burpee-based calisthenics. I know how many I do per day and I don’t miss days, so I just update the date in my spreadsheet and it tells me. More accurately, the spreadsheet tells me a minimum since now and then I do burpees for other reasons, but I haven’t missed and, so I’ve done more than[…] Keep reading →

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