Category Archives: Habits

My morning routine featured on

on December 21, 2017 in Fitness, Freedom, Habits, SIDCHAs

Joshua Spodek Joshua Spodek is author of Leadership Step by Step and host of the Leadership and the Environment podcast. An adjunct professor at NYU and leadership coach and workshop leader for Columbia Business School, Joshua currently lives in New York City. What is your morning routine? To the untrained eye my morning routine (and all my other routines) seems to take away what it actually gives me: freedom. But[…] Keep reading →

Morning Routines and Success (Inc.)

on December 20, 2017 in Exercises, Fitness, Freedom, Habits,, SIDCHAs

Morning Routines and Success You show me a successful person and I’ll show you one with daily habits. brings today’s successful people’s habits. You show me a successful person and I’ll show you one with structured daily habits. The more successful, the more self-imposed, challenging, relevant, and active his or her habits. Even bad-boy athletes, apparently self-indulgent rock stars, and counter-cultural artists have habits. Rather, the long-term successful ones do. The[…] Keep reading →

Pre-dawn glory

on December 13, 2017 in Fitness, Habits, SIDCHAs

With the Rocky movie franchise overdone, it feels hard to imagine the original when it came out. Neither the movie nor Sylvester Stallone were institutions. I grew up in Philadelphia and I remember some of its popularity, certainly for Rocky II. It was nominated for 9 Oscars and won 3. If the Rocky movies are about anything, they’re about a man finding within himself the discipline and motivation to achieve[…] Keep reading →

Do it on your next breath

on November 25, 2017 in Habits, Tips

My LinkedIn post today, Do it on your next breath, started: The problem You know the feeling: you’re about to start something you want to do but is hard to start. It’s usually something like exercise, mopping the floor, starting a difficult conversation with a coworker, and so on. You know what you put off. Your mind makes excuses not to. Your eyes move around to find distractions. You don’t[…] Keep reading →

Struggling through woozy adversity

on November 23, 2017 in Fitness, Habits, Nature, SIDCHAs

Sorry to write about something unpleasant during a holiday about food, but the past couple days, I don’t know what I ate, but something didn’t agree with me. Sorry if you consider it too much information, but I consider it a part of life. My gastrointestinal tract was unsettled, keeping me up at night, forcing me to go to the bathroom a lot, so I only slept a few hours[…] Keep reading →

Would you give a friend heroin?

on November 18, 2017 in Fitness, Habits, Stories

My LinkedIn post today, “Would you give a friend heroin?,” began Would you give a friend heroin? A few months ago the host of a podcast I was on sent me a package of brownies to thank me for appearing on his show. The brownies were prepackaged and looked like this: A younger me would have eaten them right away. My longtime readers know several reasons I wouldn’t eat them. First, they[…] Keep reading →

I’m going to watch a lot more TV

on November 17, 2017 in Fitness, Habits, SIDCHAs

Fun with language Longtime readers may remember that most of my life I ate chips, pretzels, and ice cream almost daily. I felt helpless to stop. It was frustrating. A few years ago I switched to fruit, nuts, and vegetables for snacks. I’m never going back. I wrote about how I started calling a head of cabbage a bag of chips in my post How to eat a bag of[…] Keep reading →

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