Category Archives: Leadership

“Our Finest Hour, If We Choose”, in Kosmos Quarterly

on June 21, 2020 in Leadership, Nature

I feel honored that Kosmos Journal’s Summer Quarterly 2020 published my first piece for them, Our Finest Hour, If We Choose. Kosmos Quarterly | a peer-reviewed e-journal of transformational writing, spoken word, video, music and art. Each Kosmos Quarterly is a deep dive into a special theme through the lens of transformation. Kosmos convenes a new Editorial Circle, each season to cross-pollinate ideas and share the fruits of their practice around the emerging theme[…] Keep reading →

Kings of sidchas

on June 20, 2020 in Fitness, Habits, Leadership, SIDCHAs

I knew my daily streaks of writing in my blog and doing burpees of nearly ten years were just starts. I like to find role models. I discovered sidcha streaks that dwarf mine, in fact that started before I was born. Two organizations—Streak Runners International and United States Running Streak Association—track people who have run at least a mile per day. Their slogan: “Through weather, injury, illness, and life events,[…] Keep reading →

My new challenge to help people pollute less

on June 15, 2020 in Education, Leadership, Nature

The four-step process I describe in my first TEDx talk goes: What does the environment mean to you? What do you think about when you act on the environment? I invite you at your option to think of something to do to act on that meaning or motivation? Make it a SMART goal Schedule a follow-up conversation to hear how it goes. My new challenge I developed another challenge for[…] Keep reading →

More inspiration from Nelson Mandela

on June 13, 2020 in Freedom, Leadership

I talk a lot about Nelson Mandela during the lock down. Americans lose our shit after a month or two locked down. We can access all the culture, music, art, literature, etc that’s ever been recorded. We can buy food from all over the world. We can talk to friends and family with video. Yet we act like we can’t handle it. Here was Nelson Mandela’s cell for 18 years[…] Keep reading →

The New Right Network hosted me for its Environment Town Hall. Watch the Video.

on May 27, 2020 in Leadership, Nature

Few associate environmental action with the American political right. Many think that community doesn’t care about clean air, water, and land. I don’t buy it. I think they care as much as anyone. How they act is another story, but I see almost no one on the American political left acting any more. I believe politics has made a wedge issue out of something everyone cares about, leading one side[…] Keep reading →

The Heroes of New York podcast hosted me

on May 25, 2020 in Audio, Leadership

The Heroes of New York podcast host Anu Senan posted our conversation. The show features people who show exemplary behavior in the epicenter of the epicenter. She liked the episode enough to invited me for a second episode (EDIT: here’s the second episode: Heroes of New York, episode 2: Doing meaningful things, a conversation on change), so I think you’ll like it too. See the show notes below for details.[…] Keep reading →

Elon Musk isn’t helping nature

on May 24, 2020 in Leadership, Nature

People keep citing Elon Musk as helping the environment. As best I can tell, most things he does harm the environment—that is, they lower the earth’s ability to sustain life and human society. He might think he’s helping, but I see the pattern going the other way, as I described in my podcast post and episode, Technology won’t solve environmental issues and you know it. One electric car compared to[…] Keep reading →

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