Category Archives: Leadership

Why Greta Thunberg is the Leader of the Future

on September 10, 2019 in Leadership, Nature

Read my post in Thrive Global following my speaking to her briefly when her boat docked a week and a half ago, then seeing her speak with Naomi Klein last night at an event hosted by The Intercept. Here she is at the event: Yes, my camera phone is the world’s crappiest. EDIT: Here’s the event. Naomi Klein begins introducing her at 36:38 and Greta begins speaking at 42:45.

Does Personal Action Matter?

on September 6, 2019 in Awareness, Habits, Leadership

If you don’t think personal action makes a difference on big things like elections or the environment, try looking at it this way. I’ll put it in terms of the environment, but it applies to diet, voting, self-expression, and more. Many people do many things against their environmental values. Not just in general, but many times daily. They buy packaged food, they eat packaged food several times daily. They drive[…] Keep reading →

My take on “Google, YouTube To Pay $170 Million Penalty Over Collecting Kids’ Personal Info”

on September 4, 2019 in Entrepreneurship, Leadership

Maybe you saw the headlines that Google and YouTube had to pay a fine, paltry for them, for collecting kids’ personal information. From the headline, I didn’t think it seemed like such a big deal, as much as I value privacy, as much as I avoid Google, and as much as I value protecting helpless people from predatory entities. But reading the article, I saw how much they used the[…] Keep reading →

My first time holding a Nobel Prize

on August 20, 2019 in Leadership

I ran into my podcast guest who lives near me and has a Nobel Prize and he happened to have it with him. He didn’t have it when he came over to record and for my famous no-packaging vegetable stew, so I hadn’t seen it. So there we were on Sixth Avenue, people walking by not realizing we were holding a genuine Nobel Prize. On the podcast I asked him[…] Keep reading →

The Company I Co-Founded Locked Me Out of the Office

on August 10, 2019 in Audio, Leadership, Stories

Hear me share on Paul Smith’s Lead With a Story podcast how the company I co-founded, Submedia, locked me out of the office as the final nail of ousting me. More precisely, after ousting me from the CEO position, owing to Submedia’s running out of money — I won’t argue it being a fair reason to switch CEOs — the new team moved offices and didn’t give me a key[…] Keep reading →

Hear me on Guiding You Through the Maze with Lisa Lentino

on August 8, 2019 in Audio, Leadership

Lisa Lentino hosts the Guiding You Through the Maze podcast and runs The Coaching Connector, which connects people looking for coaching with coaches and gives resources for both. For example, she recently posted an interview with friend, mentor, and podcast guest Marshall Goldsmith. From Marshall, Lisa moved to me and hosted a conversation on learning to lead. If your career or life isn’t at its potential and you know you’re[…] Keep reading →

Hear me on the Better Leaders Better Schools podcast

on August 3, 2019 in Audio, Education, Leadership

Want to lead people so they want you to lead them again? To take initiative effectively? Many people ask counterproductive questions, like “How should I do X?”, “How do I convince someone to do Y?”, or “What do I need to know to become a leader?” The most effective question is “How do I learn to lead?“, or in entrepreneurship and taking initiative, “How do I learn to take initiative?“[…] Keep reading →

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