Category Archives: Leadership

Hear me on the Leadership Happy Hour with USN Lt. Commander Chip Lutz

on December 2, 2019 in Audio, Leadership, Nature

First, a few words about the man who hosted me on this wonderful podcast. From his about page: Lieutenant Commander Chip Lutz, USN(Ret), MSEd, CSP, is the President and founder of Unconventional Leader, LLC and has 30 years of solid leadership experience. A retired Navy Officer, he has had two command tours and also served as the Director of Security for Naval District Washington, DC during September 11th 2001.  In[…] Keep reading →

Oprah, how obesity spreads, and the environment

on November 24, 2019 in Leadership, Nature

How obesity spreads You probably heard about a 2007 New England Journal of Medicine study, The Spread of Obesity in a Large Social Network Over 32 Years, implying that Obesity can spread from person to person, much like a virus, according to researchers. When one person gains weight, close friends tend to gain weight too as the New York Times stated in, Obesity spreads to friends, study concludes. It continued:[…] Keep reading →

My second TEDx talk, “What everyone gets wrong about the environment” and how to get it right

on November 7, 2019 in Events, Leadership, Nature, Stories

I am deeply grateful to the TEDxWaltham team for inviting me and hosting the event, October 5, 2019. Here’s the blurb: Josh shares his remarkable, radical, personal journey to more sustainable living — away from a standard American diet (and life) to his vegan, nearly package-free diet and away from a jet-setting lifestyle to not flying for 4.5 years and counting — and his profound discovery of a common misconception[…] Keep reading →

Dr. Pelè hosted me on the I GOT HAPPY podcast!

on October 25, 2019 in Audio, Entrepreneurship, Leadership

Dr. Pelè is a bestselling author, musician, and host of the I GOT HAPPY Podcast, where he features the stories of highly successful executives, experts, and entrepreneurs. He is the Bestselling Author of Big-Ticket Clients: You Can’t Catch A Whale With A Worm. First, check out his page, listen to his music, read his story, and see how and why he’s spreading so much happiness. Next, see my episode, which[…] Keep reading →

Differences between management and leadership

on September 23, 2019 in Leadership, Models

I may have written these views before, but I find they boil management, leadership, and their differences to their essence, so if I’m repeating myself, I think they’re worth it. Effective management results in compliance. Effective leadership results in inspiration. Leaders without management skills are often dreamers who don’t get things done. Management without leadership is the DMV. If you want an engineer to sell, you can promise all the[…] Keep reading →

My third Hidden Why, with Leigh Martinuzzi

on September 15, 2019 in Audio, Leadership, Nature

The best conversations and podcast episodes come from friends and experienced conversationalists. Leigh and I have recorded enough together to become friends, though he’s in Australia. Today he released our third conversation on his podcast, the Hidden Why (our past episodes). We covered environmental leadership and initiative. I recommend listening. Leigh is an expert, experienced interviewer. He plogs too. His show notes: Welcome back, Josh. This is my third time[…] Keep reading →

TEDx talk #2! . . . three chances to see it live

on September 12, 2019 in Events, Leadership, Nature

EDIT (11/7/19): The posted the talk: Now back to my original post: Hello all, I’m pleased to announce my second TEDx talk: TEDxWaltham! This TEDx theme is Going Places. I proposed speaking on not flying and they went for it. It’s really about joy, but I’m sworn to secrecy beyond that. I’m enthusiastic to go in a contrarian direction. Who knows, maybe karma I created helped lead to Greta sailing[…] Keep reading →

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