Category Archives: Leadership

Your Daily Environment 007: Greta Thunberg to sail the Atlantic, July 31, 2019

on July 31, 2019 in Leadership, Nature

A friend emailed that Greta Thunberg will sail across the Atlantic. This is Leadership. Anyone could have done it first. I’ve been trying to sail. She got invited. Everyone who says flying is necessary or that they can’t avoid it. . . well, she put the lie to that excuse. If she’s achieving her goals more by not flying, what’s out there for the rest of us to do next?[…] Keep reading →

My TEDx talk is online: “Find Your Delicious”

on June 25, 2019 in Leadership, Nature

At last the TEDx talk I gave April 6 at NYU is online. EDIT: Here’s my second TEDx talk: Here are pictures from the event.

Living by your values promotes innovation (if it helps)

on May 27, 2019 in Leadership

I keep seeing the opinion that regulation stifles creativity and innovation. Searching on “regulation stifles innovation” returns plenty of hits. I’m not a historian or economist, so please show me if I’m missing anything, but I find the opposite. My big example is cars. Today we value safety, efficiency, and durability. Actually, I think most buyers always valued those things. In the 60s, the U.S. car industry largely ignored those[…] Keep reading →

What Putin wants

on April 30, 2019 in Leadership

It’s obvious but I haven’t seen it clearly stated enough to make its consequence obvious. As far as I know, everyone who knows the details says the Russians are deliberately influencing U.S. elections and that Putin is leading the effort in some way. What does Putin want? People answer various ways. The clearest answer seems: Putin wants a weaker United States. Corollary: Putin wanting a weaker U.S. suggests that he[…] Keep reading →

The environmental revolution begins here, with the Noetic podcast with Jared Angaza

on April 16, 2019 in Audio, Leadership, Nature, Nonjudgment

I met Jared Angaza appearing on each other’s podcast a couple years ago. We became great friends at first only online. I met him in person for the first time in San Diego in November after I attended the Summit in Los Angeles. We “broke bread” together by cooking a couple loads of my famous no-packaging vegetable stew for his family and a few of his family groups—about twenty people.[…] Keep reading →

See my TEDx talk live, this Saturday, April 6!

on March 30, 2019 in Education, Events, Leadership, Stories

You know you’ve wanted to see a TED talk live. Now’s your chance. Cancel your old plans for next weekend. [NOTE: I will post the video of my talk here when the organizers finish editing and post it. They estimated 6 to 12 weeks from April 6 — that is, likely late May or June.] See me and six other brilliant, engaging speakers this Saturday, April 6 at TEDxNYU—the intersection[…] Keep reading →

The first interview mentioning my upcoming book

on March 25, 2019 in Audio, Leadership, Nature

Joan Sotkin invited me back to her podcast, Prosperity Place. We mostly spoke about environmental leadership, but it was the first public mentioning of my book coming out in a couple months. From the podcast page, the highlights: People think that acting for the environment is a sacrifice when in fact it’s fun. Regarding the environment, leadership by example doesn’t work. Josh manages to only throw out one small back[…] Keep reading →

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