Category Archives: Leadership

Attend Flight Free USA’s workshop with me! (March 13 and 20)

on February 22, 2024 in Events, Leadership

The invitation below says it all, but some background first: Register Here Join this two-session workshop and learn how to inspire people to freely and joyfully move to living more sustainably so they thank you. Read the pledges of the people I influenced and ask: Do they sound like they’re depriving themselves or sacrificing? Most people expect talking sustainability is a drag, not inspiring. So how do I lead people[…] Keep reading →

Readers’ Pledges to Avoid Flying

on February 6, 2024 in Leadership, Nature

I pledged on Flight Free USA to avoid flying. Then last year, I inspired someone to avoid flying, which led to the Washington Post quoting her. At December’s year-end meeting of organizers, I pledged to inspire five people in 2024 to pledge. I inspired five to pledge in January alone! A few cited my influence. All took my sustainability leadership workshop. I recommend it! Check out their pledges. Here’s Evelyn‘s[…] Keep reading →

Tough January: About three weeks with almost no sun. Learning in uncharted territory.

on January 31, 2024 in Leadership, Nature, Relationships

Check the calendar below. I count three days mostly sunny in the past 23 days. Everything else has been mostly cloudy to full on rain or snow. I’m still going up every day that isn’t raining. Many days not getting any power. I missed my first meeting today for not being able to plug in, but it worked out okay, I think for my explaining my situation. It was a[…] Keep reading →

Being Dick Fosbury and Debbie Brill

on January 23, 2024 in Fitness, Leadership, Models

I’ve described what I’m doing practicing sustainability as being an explorer, the Wright brothers, and Roger Bannister. Each comparison had sense, but I think I found a better one: Being like Richard Fosbury creating the Fosbury Flop. He invented a better way to do the high jump. The videos below show how people did it before him and how he developed a new way. Compared to old ways, it looked[…] Keep reading →

More depth on Robert Carter III

on January 18, 2024 in Freedom, Leadership, Stories

I’ve written about Robert Carter III a bunch here. He figures in my book a lot, as someone who could have remained corrupted by slavery, as everyone around him did in Virginia after the American Revolution, but he freed his slaves. Thomas Jefferson didn’t, despite his brilliant words on freedom. Sustainability today is overloaded with Jeffersons: people who talk big on sustainability but act the opposite, undermining their credibility and[…] Keep reading →

Charging on the roof in the snow

on January 17, 2024 in Leadership

The temperature was well below freezing (in the low 20s F or -5C), but today was sunny, the next few days will be overcast, and my batteries were low. So up to the roof I went. In fact, today works out to be a rare three-climb day, meaning close to fifty flights for my over-fifty-year-old bones, and a torn meniscus. But someone has to show it’s possible so we can[…] Keep reading →

Nelson Mandela’s daughter and granddaughter don’t get sustainability

on December 28, 2023 in Audio, Leadership, Nature

I was invited to an event at NYU with the daughter and granddaughter of Nelson Mandela, Dr. Makaziwe Mandela and Tukwini Mandela. You don’t have to read or listen to much of my work to know his importance to me so I was interested to learn from family members who knew him privately and work for freedom on their own. It turned out the last question came to me. I[…] Keep reading →

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