Category Archives: Leadership

More fun overcoming solar challenges, this time in Washington Square Park

on March 25, 2024 in Leadership, Nature

Yesterday was sunny. I went to Washington Square Park. I had been scheduled to meet a friend in the park before the problem with my roof arose so combined activities. We spoke about an hour. I think he enjoyed seeing everyone approach and hearing their questions and my answers. Right off the bat several people asked me about it. Some were interested, some just curious, some weird. So far only[…] Keep reading →

Year 9, day 1 not flying

on March 23, 2024 in Addiction, Leadership, Nature

I last flew March 23, 2016. If I calculated right, today begins Year 9 of not flying. I expected that first year to be the worst of my life. Now I see flying as tearing families, communities, and nations apart. Everyone thinks of flying as bringing them to distant family members. What scattered the family in the first place? You didn’t bike away from your family. Likewise with feeling nature[…] Keep reading →

Not giving up, day 2 without roof access. Others can give up; not yet me.

on March 22, 2024 in Leadership, Nature

On my second day suddenly without roof access, I went out in the morning to the bench, came back in to go to the bathroom and eat lunch, then changed strategies from before. First, I ran into my building’s handyman, who mentioned he knew a few superintendents on the block, so he may be able to put me in touch with people who can give me access to nearby roofs.[…] Keep reading →

More solar challenges. Not giving up.

on March 22, 2024 in Leadership, Nature

My building is doing construction so I don’t have roof access. Do I give up? Hell no! That’s what everyone else is doing and it’s making them miserable. And killing people (and wildlife). I have to figure out something longer term, maybe getting certified to go into a construction site (I’ve been trained and certified for things like it before, when my first company, Submedia, constructed our displays in subway[…] Keep reading →

The Sustainable Speakers Club hosted me. Here’s the video of my talk.

on March 18, 2024 in Leadership, Nature, Stories

I spoke at the Sustainable Speakers Club, a Toastmaster event in the UK, on how to lead on sustainability and how not to. The theme was Transformational Projects the Motivate. It’s tempting to think giving people facts and numbers will motivate them, but it rarely does. Learning their intrinsic motivation and helping them achieve what they already wanted to helps more. I share a story illustrating how action leads to[…] Keep reading →

Dave Gardner for President of the United States

on March 6, 2024 in Leadership, Nature

Dave Gardner and I have appeared on each other’s podcasts and have become friends. He is one of the few people who understands our environmental problems and works on it. I learned about him from his documentary Growthbusters (my comment is the first on its YouTube release), which showed him running for office in Colorado on a platform to shrink the local population and economy. He didn’t win the election,[…] Keep reading →

NYU’s sustainability deception (work-in-progress post)

on March 2, 2024 in Education, Leadership

I teach at NYU and work on sustainability leadership. NYU talks about sustainability and to some extend sincerely tries, but it doesn’t come close to its rhetoric. It completely misses on sustainability leadership, as distinct from sustainability. I don’t see much integrity in its sustainability. The same follows for higher education in general, as best I can tell. I’ve been vaguely keeping track of discrepancies I find. I’ve had this[…] Keep reading →

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