Category Archives: Leadership

Have You Hit Rock Bottom on the Environment?

on April 8, 2024 in Addiction, Education, Leadership, Nature

Have you hit rock bottom on the environment? The question isn’t if the problems are grave enough or you know about them. You’ve seen enough problems from litter on your street to a region called Cancer Alley in the most technologically advanced nation in history and front-page news nearly daily. The question of you hitting rock bottom is if you choose no longer to accept your rationalizations and justifications of[…] Keep reading →

First media coverage of me charging in Washington Square Park (that I know of)

on April 6, 2024 in Leadership, Nature, Stories

Longtime readers may remember my op-ed piece in the Village Sun: It’s Time to Ban Single-Use Packaging: The Village Sun published my op-ed piece. The Sun is one of my local papers and I find it covers local news that matter but the big papers miss. All communities would benefit from local journalism like it. I mentioned in past posts how people approach and ask what I’m up to, which[…] Keep reading →

Perpetual Motion Machines, Patents, and Leading Polluting, Depleting Industries

on April 5, 2024 in Leadership, Nature

I spoke with the CEO of a major polluting, depleting company yesterday, among the biggest in the world. You know the company. It fundamentally depends on burning fossil fuels. It’s not a car company, but I’ll use cars as a concrete example for clarity. Someone there asked him about sustainability. He acknowledged it as existential—I think implying for his company, his industry, and humanity. He talked about many innovations being[…] Keep reading →

Hear me on America Out Loud’s After Dark: How Pollution Destroys Life, Liberty, and Property

on April 3, 2024 in Audio, Freedom, Leadership, Models, Nature

On my seventh appearance on After Dark with Rob and Andrew, I share how I’ve been diving into conservative history, thought, philosophy, and community. Both hosts have been on my podcast and I meet Rob periodically in person in Manhattan, where he lives too. About the hosts: Rob is the founder of The Multicultural Conservative Foundation, whose mission is to promote the political diversity of conservatism through social media. He[…] Keep reading →

A billion-dollar idea: Moonshot solar: modest solar for a larger market

on April 2, 2024 in Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Nature, Tips

A lot of solar companies are competing for the home solar market. I once read an estimate of fifty million homes for $30,000 per home on average, meaning a $1.5 trillion market. Since most people can’t spare $30,000 for an investment that could take decades to pay itself back, if ever, these companies are marketing higher end homeowners. They are positioning themselves like BMW or Lexus. My only source of[…] Keep reading →

Why I suspect non-European cultures influenced the U.S. Constitution more than most people think

on April 1, 2024 in Leadership

Writing my book has led me to learn more about how the U.S. Constitution was written. I started learning about influence from other cultures than European. For example, this peer-reviewed article, American Indian Constitutions and Their Influence on the United States Constitution. It said “Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Wilson, John Adams, Thomas Paine, and other Founding Fathers were acquainted with Indian peoples, tribal governments, and indigenous theories[…] Keep reading →

See my solar panels from space

on March 28, 2024 in Leadership, Nature, Visualization

I was talking to a solar expert on installing solar panels to my roof, now that my coop board has approved my looking into a pilot program. He brought up a satellite view of my roof. Check out this image from satellite view: If you didn’t know what to look for, you wouldn’t see it, but you can see my solar panels! All those black squares are tiling to walk[…] Keep reading →

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