Category Archives: Leadership

Do you feel enraged at people flying private jets to climate conferences?

on October 22, 2023 in Leadership, Nature

Flying a private jet to a climate conference seems the height of being out of touch and acting counterproductively. If you feel that way, have you considered how much of your expenditures pays for extracting, polluting, and depleting? What fraction of your spending goes to filling your gas tank, flying, air conditioning, heating, industrial agriculture, buying things that require pollution to make like packaged food, takeout, houses, cars, nearly all[…] Keep reading →

Abraham Lincoln, trash-talking wrestler

on October 14, 2023 in Fitness, Leadership

My book talks about Abraham Lincoln a lot. I’m not sure how I’ll use the following information about his wrestling career when younger, but everyone should know he said ““I’m the big buck of this lick. If any of you want to try it, come on and whet your horns!” on the way to passing the Thirteenth Amendment. From Inside Abraham Lincoln’s Surprising Career As A National Wrestling Champ and[…] Keep reading →

More on integrity and sustainability leadership versus management

on October 12, 2023 in Leadership, Nature

Yet again I heard someone saying individual action won’t solve our environmental problems so we shouldn’t even look at it, and this was a major public speaker. He repeated the idiocy that, as he saw it, BP creating the personal carbon footprint was a coup for distracting us from them. I’d love to see all these people who oppose individual action in 1850, saying, “you can’t end slavery so don’t[…] Keep reading →

Exploring versus leading

on October 11, 2023 in Leadership

People suggest I teach people how to do what I’ve done—things like unplugging the fridge or avoiding packaged food. Isn’t that what leaders do? Shouldn’t I make some videos on how to live without a fridge, flying, or doof? It’s a great question. I could only answer after hosting author, TED speaker, and entrepreneur Derek Sivers on my podcast. He asked why I invited him since he doesn’t work in[…] Keep reading →

Watch me moderate a panel on Developing a Sustainability Leadership Culture, October 25

on October 9, 2023 in Events, Leadership, Nature

If no one is changing culture in your world, it’s your opportunity to fill the leadership vacuum. Find out how and what dangers to avoid from leaders who have changed cultures before. How to Develop a Sustainability Leadership Culture in Your Organization Click to register now! About the Event: Many companies are making strides toward goals for greening their businesses but need to find ways to maintain the momentum now[…] Keep reading →

I’m not leading by example by trying to live more sustainably

on October 7, 2023 in Leadership, Nature

People respond to my disconnecting from the grid and all saying, “it’s great that you’re leading by example.” I’m not leading by example. I don’t believe leading by example works in sustainability. People have filled their hearts and minds with rationalizations and justifications why what they are doing is good, right, and normal for them. Seeing someone acting differently doesn’t change their view. On the contrary, it often leads them[…] Keep reading →

Update: Is the greatest obstacle to sustainability people with resources, especially time and money?

on September 30, 2023 in Leadership, Nature

I recently asked Is the greatest impediment to someone living more sustainably their resources, especially time and money? and formed the hypothesis that people with money and time are both the biggest cause of our environmental problems and resist changing the most. I’m just developing the approach and understanding, but predict and expect it will become a major point in where to focus our efforts. Going to the Amazon or[…] Keep reading →

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