Category Archives: Nature

A week with no sunny days. Should be only partly cloudy tomorrow.

on January 29, 2024 in Nature

I’m writing this post fast because New York has seen almost no sunny days in a week. I’ve had to conserve power as much as I can. All my batteries are nearly dead. Amazingly, I feel I live with more abundance in what matters despite having less power than when I plugged into the walls. We come together and help each other in difficult times, like snowstorms and hurricanes. I[…] Keep reading →

*Sigh* More Christmas Pagan Trees being thrown away. Wasn’t a month of trashing them enough?

on January 26, 2024 in Habits, Nature

How’s this Christmas Pagan Tree next to a portable toilet? What better way to show you love your messiah and savior than putting the remembrance of his birth by a box of shit? . . . or we could leave the trees in the ground and celebrate with life instead of death. More than a month since Christmas isn’t enough time for all the trees to be trashed, there are[…] Keep reading →

More Christmas Pagan Trees in the gutter and garbage.

on January 20, 2024 in Habits, Nature, Visualization

Each tree in the gutter or trashed tells another story of entitlement and disregard of our natural world and fellow humans. Who needs trees anyway? Why not cut them down and ship them to landfills? More:

How sweet vegetables have become. They used to taste bland.

on January 16, 2024 in Fitness, Nature, Perception

Vegetables have been blowing me away with their sweetness lately. For years since stopping consuming doof nearly completely, I’ve been finding fresh produce increasingly delicious. I usually say how I used to consider Ben and Jerry’s delicious and apples relatively bland. Now apples taste sweeter than ice cream ever did. In time, more vegetables have come to taste sweeter than fruit used to. I don’t think their composition changed. I[…] Keep reading →

More undignified trashed Christmas pagan trees. January 13, almost done?

on January 13, 2024 in Nature, Visualization

Just after my last post on the waste and disgust of Christmas Pagan trees being thrown away, I saw tons more. Look at how something to celebrate the birth of their lord, savior, and messiah they throw into the gutter. Stay classy, Christians! Want to bet if there will be enough more to come for a future post? More, each telling its own story of death, pollution, and garbage. The[…] Keep reading →

More shameful-looking trashed Christmas pagan trees. It’s only January 10, so likely more to come.

on January 10, 2024 in Habits, Nature, Visualization

Why do people pay to chop down so many trees for pagan-based rituals? I mean, I know the answer is tradition, even if the tradition is opposite to what they purport to believe, but when will their consciences kick in, or their intelligence or compassion? I have nothing against any of the religions involved, Christianity, paganism, capitalism, patriotism, etc, but I have a lot for sustaining an environment that can[…] Keep reading →

What fraction of oil becomes pollution versus benign?

on January 3, 2024 in Nature

What fraction of oil ultimately becomes pollution? Or of coal or gas? I’m curious if you can extract oil from the Earth without polluting. We may use the the materials for purposes we value, but what of the material itself? It came from plants originally, but I can almost only think of ways it becomes pollution, not benign. If we make it into plastic, eventually it becomes microplastic and harms[…] Keep reading →

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