Category Archives: Nonjudgment

A chapter of my life, in the words of a massively bestselling author

on January 30, 2022 in Nonjudgment, Relationships, Stories

Regular readers of my blog and listeners of my podcast know that before I started coaching executives and leading famous people and after decades of struggling with social and emotional skills, limiting my intimacy, especially with women, I dove headlong into learning attraction skills. I shared about it in depth in my Sex, Drugs, and Rock and Roll series on my podcast, where I was the guest, particularly the episode[…] Keep reading →

What God meant by fruitful and dominion.

on January 25, 2022 in Models, Nonjudgment

Major cultural touchstones and motivators for many people to growing material production, sales, and population are the words “be fruitful and multiply” and “have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.” People nearly universally misunderstand both parts. You can be fruitful by living a sweet life and you can multiply by multiplying happiness.[…] Keep reading →

More places I’d be killed for just being me

on January 21, 2022 in Nonjudgment

I wrote recently about the two biggest chips on my shoulder, one of them being that when I describe challenges I’ve faced, people keep saying that I’ve had an easy life, I think because they see a straight white male in the United States. When I talk to people who have lost limbs or eyesight, which seem pretty significant losses, they don’t talk that way. The ones who tell me[…] Keep reading →

The Struggle of Living Sustainably in a Society That Supports It in Word But Opposes It in Deed

on January 17, 2022 in Nature, Nonjudgment

I indulged in posting a first draft of something I feel important to share, probably overly bitter or snarky. Acting against the mainstream always makes life difficult, though differently for choosing different directions. I chose to act sustainably and to lead others to. Here are the challenges acting in this direction create. You can read into it as much as you like, but mostly it’s a rough sketch of something[…] Keep reading →

Finally, people treating Ghislaine Maxwell as a co-offender acting with independent agency, not a sidekick.

on January 3, 2022 in Nonjudgment

Finally, a media piece treated Ghislaine Maxwell as a full human, not just a sidekick to a man. I’m following up my post Why don’t the media and courts treat Ghislaine Maxwell like an independent woman with agency?. The new piece is in The Conversation: Ghislaine Maxwell guilty in Epstein sex trafficking trial: What the case revealed about female sex offenders. I know people like to put some people on[…] Keep reading →

Annual Christmas tree dumping

on January 1, 2022 in Nonjudgment, Visualization

You will find nobody who values ritual and tradition than a man who hasn’t missed his twice-daily calisthenics in over ten years. When times change so that your rituals and traditions hurt rather than help, sticking with them will hurt you. The Christmas tree ritual and tradition may have once delighted and may still within the home, but systemically, it’s hurting. It doesn’t make sense either. Connecting fir trees, elves,[…] Keep reading →

Hear me on America Out Loud’s After Dark: “Single White Straight Male Living In America”

on December 18, 2021 in Audio, Nonjudgment

I appeared as a guest again on After Dark with Rob and Andrew. Both have been guests on This Sustainable Life and I’ve appeared on their show before. They invited me this time after my post, Why do so many people lecture me on what it’s like to be a straight white male?. You’ll hear Rob does most of the talking, about a war on men. I spoke less and[…] Keep reading →

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