Category Archives: Visualization

Which of these progressive Democrats filling my world with garbage claims to be for the environment?

on August 19, 2022 in Nature, Visualization

Election years mean candidates fill my mail box with garbage. Here’s a couple days’ worth. Next week there will be more. Now multiply by hundreds of thousands of mailboxes in my district and hundreds of millions across the country. I guess the environment matters except when your interest are more important–what everyone says before they pollute. I call places that send me unsolicited mail to stop it, but it doesn’t[…] Keep reading →

Discarded Electric Vehicles

on July 26, 2022 in Visualization

If you make a polluting system more efficient, you pollute more efficiently. People don’t get that making one element of a system more efficient may lower pollution locally while increasing it overall. We like to think of prices dropping making technology more available, democratizing it, but by its fruit do you know a tree and the fruit of our culture is poisonous garbage. Technology augments our culture. I’ve written before[…] Keep reading →

About two years of recycling

on July 25, 2022 in Nature, Visualization

I’ve been saving my recycling to take to my building’s recycling bin when I empty my trash, but the years keep rolling and I haven’t filled a load of trash. I’m going to bring my recycling to my building’s recycling bins. I haven’t kept track of when I last emptied my recycling. I think it was more recent than my trash. Here’s the plastic, glass, and metal from I believe[…] Keep reading →

Not only Pride and Queer Liberation: A Regular Day in Washington Square Park

on June 30, 2022 in Addiction, Nature, Visualization

I posted videos and images the other day After the Pride and Queer Liberation Marches 2022: Washington Square Park wrecked again. I could cry. This morning, I saw the every day wreckage of Washington Square Park and felt I should show it on a regular day. To be fair, I only took pictures of the northwest corner. The rest of the park was covered with poisonous plastic waste, all unnecessary,[…] Keep reading →

After the Pride and Queer Liberation Marches 2022: Washington Square Park wrecked again. I could cry.

on June 28, 2022 in Nature, Visualization

Following up last year’s videos and images of Washington Square Park after the Pride March and Queer Liberation March, Here are videos and images of the park after this year’s marches. Prepare to want to cry or vomit. I can’t see how any one could accept how we are treating each other and nature. It is a statement of our culture at every level. Not one item of trash in[…] Keep reading →

Pride March Preparation: Cops and Garbage

on June 26, 2022 in Nature, Visualization

Readers from last year know my post last year “Pride Destroyed the Park” with images and video of how the Pride March destroyed Washington Square Park with garbage. You may have also seen I spoke this year on the podcast with Sandra Perez, the Executive Director of NYC Pride, who hosts one of the two marches, in particular not the one that ended last year in Washington Square Park. I[…] Keep reading →

The tragic fate of democratizing technology

on May 26, 2022 in Addiction, Freedom, Nature, Visualization

Before the pictures of the fate of democratizing technology, for context, let’s remember that humans lived and thrived for hundreds of thousands of years without even the wheel. Despite our erroneous projections of our fears of what life outside society would be like, our best evidence from history, anthropology, and archaeology tell us they lived with comparable of often higher signs of Health Mental health Diet Stability Equality Longevity Resilience[…] Keep reading →

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