Category Archives: Visualization

Why sustainability is so hard and polluting so easy, from the moving Trainspotting

on April 1, 2023 in Addiction, Art, Awareness, Visualization

This post is part 3 in a series including “What you fear losing when you stop an addiction is exactly what you’ll gain” or “You tell me what you fear losing when you stop polluting and I’ll tell you what you’ll gain” have simplified how I understand and express the emotional terrain people live in and have to navigate to act more sustainably. I posted about how Martin Scorcese in[…] Keep reading →

Martin Scorcese on our relationship with pollution

on March 16, 2023 in Addiction, Art, Visualization

This post is part 2 in a series including Do you remember the helicopter scene in Goodfellas? Henry Hill has a busy day delivering lots of things including guns, cocaine, and food. He has to do family things, meet his mistress, cook dinner, and all sorts of other things. He’s getting everything done, taking cocaine for energy. If you ask him, he’d say he was being super productive. Only he’s[…] Keep reading → doesn’t save money. It addicts people to buying things they don’t need.

on March 13, 2023 in Addiction, Visualization

For years, when I mention not shopping, people tell me (often lecture me) that it saves people money. They have no choice but to buy from there. I agree Amazon has displaced many alternatives, but I see tons of Amazon deliveries every day and when I see what’s delivered, it’s nearly always something that will be in a landfill within weeks, maybe months. In my building, I see how[…] Keep reading →

Read the photo-story on me: “A fridge too far? Living sustainably in NYC by unplugging” from the Associated Press

on January 26, 2023 in Leadership, Nature, Stories, Visualization

Katherine Roth interviewed me about unplugging my fridge and apartment from the electric grid and Bebeto Matthews photographed me cooking and putting my solar panels on my roof. Read the story and see the pictures at A fridge too far? Living sustainably in NYC by unplugging. I hope it helps achieve one of my main goals for this experiment: for a few people to say “You can do that!? I[…] Keep reading →

My first bike-camping trip since 1988

on September 4, 2022 in Fitness, Nature, Stories, Visualization

Longtime readers know one of the highlights of my summer is visiting the farm providing my summer and fall CSA vegetables, Stoneledge Farm. Since the pandemic, they haven’t chartered a bus for us in the city without cars. I’ve been biking more, including two overnight rides to Philadelphia, each 125 miles over two days. They were fundraisers and, since my group raised the most funds, I ended up getting free[…] Keep reading →

Fossil fuels and slavery from a systems perspective (new diagrams)

on August 28, 2022 in Models, Nature, Nonjudgment, Visualization

You’ve heard my conversations with award-winning authors, scholars, and other experts on slavery. With a couple I’ve talked about the connection between that system and ours. Most of the time, I’ve thought of the connection as an analogy. For a while, I’ve seen the connection as closer. Andrew Hoffman, University of Michigan professor in its business school and its School of Natural Resources and Environment, wrote of his discovering the[…] Keep reading →

More litter I find in Washington Square Park, and why I focus on it.

on August 20, 2022 in Addiction, Visualization

Do you pick up litter when you visit your parks? What do you find? Do you find syringes and Narcan (an emergency drug to resuscitate someone who overdosed on opiates)? I do. Here’s some of what I found in Washington Square Park. Before you look, be sure to read after the pictures so I can explain why I keep posting about all the drug paraphernalia I find there. Why I[…] Keep reading →

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