Search Results for: drew garden

715: My mom, Marie Spodek, part 3: Starting a food coop and making ends meet as a single mom in a food desert with three kids

on August 24, 2023 in Podcast

I’ve written about how people act like food coops don’t work for people without resources like time and money or who have kids. It took me a long time to realize they didn’t see food coops being started because the people starting them didn’t have time or money and had kids. When my parents couldn’t make ends meet, then after they divorced and struggled more to make ends meet, forming[…] Keep reading →

OMG this butternut squash was amazing! . . . Why connecting to nature connects to people and motivates saving both

on December 23, 2022 in Nature

I wish I could put into words how delicious this squash is. Most people seem to think of squash as something you have to cook, but they taste sweet and delicious raw. As you can see, I dice them to put on cereal like any other fruit. One thing making this one so special is that it was given to me from the crew who grew it at Drew Gardens[…] Keep reading →

First report: Yesterday’s Bronx Workshop on Living Off the Grid in New York City

on October 9, 2022 in Events, Nature

Yesterday morning I packed up a lot of stuff: my pressure cooker, solar panels, battery, and enough food for a bunch of people, and took the subway to the Bronx to give a workshop. Maybe fifty pounds total, but worth it. Drew Garden, in particular, one of my favorite spots in New York City, partly for its beauty, partly for the people who make it happen. Often when I talk[…] Keep reading →

Join my workshop in the Bronx, October 8th, on living off the grid in NYC and enjoy some solar-power-cooked stew!

on September 23, 2022 in Leadership, Nature

At noon Saturday, October 8th, I’ll lead my next workshop on sustainable living at one of my favorite spots in New York City: Drew Community Garden, on the Bronx River, in the middle of an underserved neighborhood. I compare Drew Garden with Central Park with how much I like the space, in some ways favorable because it’s maintained by a few people in the community and every part of it[…] Keep reading →

Discarded Electric Vehicles

on July 26, 2022 in Visualization

If you make a polluting system more efficient, you pollute more efficiently. People don’t get that making one element of a system more efficient may lower pollution locally while increasing it overall. We like to think of prices dropping making technology more available, democratizing it, but by its fruit do you know a tree and the fruit of our culture is poisonous garbage. Technology augments our culture. I’ve written before[…] Keep reading →

My second Bronx cooking workshop to fill in food deserts, in one of New York City’s most beautiful spots

on October 19, 2021 in Education

Sunday I went to the Bronx to lead another workshop in making my famous no-packaging vegan stews. I can’t stand food deserts and believe sharing how to cook delicious healthy food cheap and fast will help create demand for farmers markets. My last Bronx workshop was my last public performance before the pandemic. I ended up discovering what I now consider one of New York City’s most beautiful spots: Drew[…] Keep reading →

Notes from a reader who made famous no-packaging vegan stew from my video

on October 23, 2021 in Nature

I can’t help sharing feedback from someone I’ve never met, who wrote me after cooking a famous no-packaging vegan stew based on my video to make seitan and stew in a few minutes: That person wrote: I just used your recipe and made a soup lunch for my family. Turned out fantastic and was extremely quick to make. Thank you for sharing! I’ve tried to make seitan before but never[…] Keep reading →

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