Search Results for: Viravaidya

How I keep going when I feel like giving up (which is often)

on June 8, 2021 in Choosing/Decision-Making, Models, Tips

If you choose to act on sustainability, you will face darkness. You will want to give up. You will feel alone, misunderstood. I don’t say so to dissuade, but to prepare to face a part of all of us. Nobody is polluting because they are monsters. We’re all human. What is the alternative to confronting this part of us? To give up? To try to ignore and forget and try[…] Keep reading →

Family Planning Success Stories From Around the World (mostly videos)

on March 20, 2021 in Nature

Through voluntary, noncoercive, even fun ways, enabling couples to decide their family sizes, many nations have lowered population growth leading to prosperity, abundance, and stability. Think the opposite of the One Child Policy or eugenics. Most of us don’t know these success stories. Many people would have considered such changes impossible, including myself until recently, or would have thought it resulted from a so-called demographic transition that resulted from economic[…] Keep reading →

The reason renewables are becoming cheaper than fossil fuels nobody mentions

on February 5, 2021 in Nature

Why do you think energy from wind and solar have become cheaper than from fossil fuels lately in so many places? I’ve asked many people lately. Most people answer economies of scale, technological advances, simplifying production, and factors about manufacturing solar and wind tools. I’d like to point out how expensive fossil fuels have become. Have you heard of the La Brea tar pits? Here’s Wikipedia’s description: La Brea Tar[…] Keep reading →

Imagine the relief of 3.7 billion people

on November 26, 2020 in Nature

Walking around my neighborhood during Thanksgiving, the streets are nearly empty, the city quiet. I can think with less interruption. There’s still too much litter from too many people buying disposable things. Various sources tell me that without artificial fertilizer, which require fossil fuels, the Earth can support a population of 3.7 billion people. Since we can’t use fossil fuels forever, I don’t know how we think we’ll get by[…] Keep reading →

Signs of hope

on June 25, 2020 in Awareness, Leadership, Models, Nature

Frankly, I don’t see many signs of hope for us to handle the environment. Walking around my neighborhood, I’d say maybe 20 percent of people are wearing masks. Bars and restaurants are packing people within six feet of each other. Headlines about Texas, Florida, and Arizona show people’s cavalier attitudes leading to opinion over nature. Still, here are a few signs of hope. Ozone: humanity banded together to ban CFCs.[…] Keep reading →

My thoughts on Planet of the Humans, which I recommend

on April 27, 2020 in Nature, Podcast

I just finished watching Planet of the Humans, a documentary on people working on the environment, as well as many people claiming to, who aren’t, though many mean well. As you might expect, many people have told me about it. It was uncomfortable but I’m glad I watched it. It’s free on YouTube. Here it is to save you a click: My thoughts My mom asked me what I thought[…] Keep reading →

310: The Start and End of Any Serious Conversation on the Environment

on March 20, 2020 in Podcast

This episode puts together the most important and fundamental considerations about the environment: What works The basic cause contributing to all environmental problems Earth’s carrying capacity An attainable bright future A means to reach it that has worked on a smaller scale It feels to me like a solid TED talk. On Alan Weisman: 250: Why talk about birthrate and population so much? 248: Countdown, a book I recommend by[…] Keep reading →

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