Search Results for: meditation

697: Dan Walsh, part 2: He sold his motorcycle and Playstation to gain freedom

on July 3, 2023 in Podcast

In what looks to me like one of the biggest overcommitments of guests on this podcast and participants in the Spodek Method, Dan shares that to free his mind for meditation, he ended up selling his motorcycle and Playstation. Then we spoke about coaching and leading people to reach their potentials, which he experienced on the receiving end in reaching the Olympics twice and does now with others, and he[…] Keep reading →

697: Dan Walsh, part 2: He sold his motorcycle and Playstation to gain freedom

on July 3, 2023 in Podcast

In what looks to me like one of the biggest overcommitments of guests on this podcast and participants in the Spodek Method, Dan shares that to free his mind for meditation, he ended up selling his motorcycle and Playstation. Then we spoke about coaching and leading people to reach their potentials, which he experienced on the receiving end in reaching the Olympics twice and does now with others, and he[…] Keep reading →

Just finished another three-day water-only fast.

on February 27, 2023 in Fitness, Habits,

Years ago someone told me the first meal after a three-day water-only fast tastes life-changingly good. I’d heard of fasting then, but 1) didn’t think much of it and 2) thought humans would die after a couple days, even with water. But he didn’t seem like he was lying and I liked the idea of a life-changing experience that cost no time or money, rather would save them. In May[…] Keep reading →

672: Chris Bailey, part 2: How to Calm Your Mind

on February 22, 2023 in Podcast

Bringing back Chris for first time since five years ago. Since then, his last book got big, as we briefly discussed. We started talking about meditation and at a high level, framed the conversation to come on how the mind works, outside our control, though we don’t notice. More framing: we talk about intention and action, meaning and purpose. The topic of his new book How to Calm Your Mind[…] Keep reading →

672: Chris Bailey, part 2: How to Calm Your Mind

on February 22, 2023 in Podcast

Bringing back Chris for first time since five years ago. Since then, his last book got big, as we briefly discussed. We started talking about meditation and at a high level, framed the conversation to come on how the mind works, outside our control, though we don’t notice. More framing: we talk about intention and action, meaning and purpose. The topic of his new book How to Calm Your Mind[…] Keep reading →

David Loy

on February 8, 2023 in Podcast

David Robert Loy is a professor, writer, and Zen teacher in the Sanbo Zen tradition of Japanese Zen Buddhism. He is a prolific author, whose essays and books have been translated into many languages. His articles appear regularly in the pages of major journals such as Tikkun and Buddhist magazines including Tricycle, Lion’s Roar, and Buddhadharma, as well as in a variety of scholarly journals. Many of his writings, as[…] Keep reading →

The New Yorker profiled my living off the grid

on January 9, 2023 in Leadership, Nature, Stories

My letter to the New Yorker’s editor in September led to a reporter, Zach Helfand, visiting and writing a story on me. They published it today (including spotlighting it, see below): Off the Grid in the Big City: It begins, “Josh Spodek disconnected the circuit breaker in his apartment, and now—thanks to solar-powered vegan stew—his carbon footprint is about that of three house cats.“ Along with the New Yorker piece,[…] Keep reading →

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