Search Results for: farm

This Week’s Selected Media, May 26, 2024: Animal Liberation Now and Turning Pages

on May 26, 2024 in Tips

This week I finished: Animal Liberation Now!, by Peter Singer: Since I last ate meat in 1990 and any dairy or other animal products about ten years ago (I don’t remember when), I can’t remember first reading this book, but this new version is well updated. Now I’ve met Peter, spoken a few times, and read The Life You Can Save. I love how readable his writing is (also his[…] Keep reading →

A question for those who believe “more people solve more problems”

on May 18, 2024 in Nature, Visualization

Several bestselling authors on the environment suggest that people solve problems, so more people solve more problems. They conclude that we should keep growing the population. A century and a half ago people believed “rain follows the plow.” They created what looked like science proving that settlers moving west across North America creating farms would cause rain to fall more. To me, “more people solve more problems” looks like a[…] Keep reading →

Restaurants and caterers hate vegetables

on May 13, 2024 in Addiction, Fitness, Nature

Since I’ve learned to love fresh vegetables and fruit, I’ve come to learn the restaurants hate them. Caterers do too. An ex-girlfriend once commented that she couldn’t go to restaurants with me because I complained too much that they covered everything in salt, sugar, and fat (more on that complaint below). I attended an event today that was catered. Everything was vegan, which a lot of people interpret to mean[…] Keep reading →

Vegetables taste delicious. Why cover them in oil?

on April 27, 2024 in Addiction, Fitness

I ate lunch at a restaurant with a friend yesterday. Lunch was great because of the company. The salad that came with it was covered in oil. I used to dislike vegetables. I covered them in dressing. I was partial to Italian, but ranch or French would do. I didn’t know any better. The dressings came pre-made in bottles, full of flavor. By contrast, the vegetables tasted bland. I’m talking[…] Keep reading →

Now I’m a Real Cook

on April 26, 2024 in Fitness, SIDCHAs, Stories

About twenty-four hours after giving blood, while chopping collard greens, I chopped a bit off my finger. Sorry if it’s gross for you, but it reminds me of something I learned when I dated a woman who was a chef: if you cook enough, you cut and burn yourself. I don’t know if this picture captures it. I took it today, about twenty-four hours after cutting it. I should have[…] Keep reading →

My favorite part of Bruce Springsteen’s memoir

on March 29, 2024 in Art, Creativity, Education, Freedom, Stories

I recently finished Bruce Springsteen’s memoir Born to Run. Below is what resonated with me and motivated me most: Bruce Springsteen wrote in his memoir Born to Run about discovering the guitar growing up in a working-class New Jersey neighborhood. The day after seeing Elvis on the Ed Sullivan Show, “I convinced my mom to take me to Diehl’s Music on South Street in Freehold. There, with no money to[…] Keep reading →

Why sell vegetables when you can sell vegetables in plastic?

on March 15, 2024 in Nature, Tips

Quadrillions of pieces of plastic apparently aren’t enough. We keep making more. I’ve written about how every single item in every cart I saw in a trip to a supermarket was packaged, mostly in plastic. I wrote: For an informal survey, I went to a supermarket to observe the items in at least 100 shoppers’ carts. I didn’t make it all in one trip and lost count, but have passed[…] Keep reading →

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