Search Results for: farm

Thomas Jefferson farmed, even as President of the United States

on February 9, 2018 in Leadership, Nature

People tell me how their lives are too busy to act on their environmental values. “I wish I could pollute less,” they say, “but I don’t have time.” I happened on a passage in a book on Thomas Jefferson, who actively farmed while President of the United States. You may say, “But the nation was smaller then.” First, you don’t have to farm to live by your values. You have[…] Keep reading →

Another delicious reason to do Community Supported Agriculture / Farm Shares

on October 10, 2017 in Nature

I realized another delicious reason to join a CSA, which stands for Community Supported Agriculture, which means a deal where you pay a farm a flat annual fee in return for a delivery each week of that week’s produce. I’ve written about the structure before and my CSA’s farm, Stoneledge Farm. Visiting it is one of my summers’ highlights. The benefit The farm succeeds when more people want to subscribe.[…] Keep reading →

Farm fresh vegetables

on June 17, 2016 in Fitness, Nature, Visualization

I meant to post about the vegetables I got each week from my farm share deal (called Community Supported Agriculture or CSA). The farm drops off its vegetables to a place a few blocks away and everyone picks up their share within a three-hour time slot. The summer/fall one I do delivers food twenty-four weeks. The winter/spring one delivers less often. This year’s started last week, so the fresh vegetables[…] Keep reading →

The farm where most of my food this summer came from

on September 14, 2015 in Entrepreneurship, Fitness, Nature

Almost anyone who talked to me over the summer heard about how much I love the vegetables I’ve been getting through what they call Community Supported Agriculture. You pay a farm at the beginning of the season, then when the plants start growing, each week they deliver what’s ready that week. I go to a drop-off location a few blocks from my home and pick up my share. Once a[…] Keep reading →

Chuck Marohn

on August 30, 2024 in Podcast

Charles Marohn (known as “Chuck” to friends and colleagues) is the founder and president of Strong Towns. With decades of experience as a land use planner and civil engineer, Marohn is on a mission to help cities and towns become stronger and more prosperous. He spreads the Strong Towns message through in-person presentations, the Strong Towns Podcast, and his books and articles. In recognition of his efforts and impact, Planetizen[…] Keep reading →

“There’s no food here, just vegetables.”

on August 14, 2024 in Addiction, Fitness

This post may look like it’s about poor people and free food but it’s about our culture. I’ve heard this quote several times at the community fridge where I volunteer: “There’s no food here, just vegetables.” I help deliver a lot of vegetables from the farmers market. People coming to get free food tend to prefer pre-made meals and doof. I recommend reflecting on what the statement means and implies.[…] Keep reading →

Volunteering: I just helped deliver a mammoth summer load of vegetables to the community fridge

on July 2, 2024 in Habits, Stories

The community fridge where I volunteer by bringing food (and doof, sadly) stores would otherwise through away for anyone to take recently coordinated a deal with the Union Square farmers market to pick up what vendors don’t sell. Half a dozen of us picked up and delivered our first load. Several of us made two trips. It was the most volume and I’d say highest quality of any load I[…] Keep reading →

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