Search Results for: cold showers rock

My health-related activities

on March 1, 2017 in Exercises, Fitness, Habits, SIDCHAs

A podcaster and I were emailing about the possibility of doing an interview. He said his podcast was mostly health related. As I summarized for him my health-related activities, I felt that what I was writing would summarize well here, so wrote it more comprehensively than I normally would have. I like sharing these practices. Note that they are things anyone can do. I mean, if you’re wheelchair bound, you[…] Keep reading →

A burpee app?

on January 7, 2017 in Exercises, Fitness, Habits,, SIDCHAs, Tips

My 2,192 Days of Burpees post and Inc. article got a lot of responses, including questions how to start from people who felt inspired by this free, zero-equipment, zero-cost, low-risk, healthy, and so on practice. One reader asked if I could recommend an app. I wrote back Glad to hear from you and that you’re inspired. I prefer not to use an app. Like brushing my teeth, I just know[…] Keep reading →

Redefining possibility: This 85-year-old marathoner runs faster than you

on December 29, 2016 in Fitness, Models

I remember people telling me as a kid that it was inevitable to get fat when you turned 30 or 40. When you’re young, you believe grown-ups. Sadly, you don’t know that they’re just telling you beliefs they’ve told themselves to excuse their mediocrity or having chosen ice cream and cookies in their two options in life. Sadder still, if people rise to the level expected of them, as I[…] Keep reading →

Quora Saturday: Enduring habits, breaking habits, and what books to read

on December 17, 2016 in Quora

Continuing my Saturday series on posting my answers to questions from Quora, here are my next questions answered: How long have you stuck to your habits? What are ways to stop a habit that’s consuming your lifestyle? What books should I read to get back in the habit of reading? I’m probably going to stop this series, though. Quora has the same questions over and over. It’s getting boring and[…] Keep reading →

Quora Saturday: Breaking habits, simplifying life, leading two countries at once, and cheating in relationships

on November 5, 2016 in Quora

Continuing my Saturday series on posting my answers to questions from Quora, here are my next questions answered: What habit did you break that you are the most proud of? Life Advice: How can I make my life simpler? Has someone ever been the leader of two countries at once? What is your one habit that you can’t change? Do people in a relationship ever think about cheating at some[…] Keep reading →

Do it first, then adjust based on experience

on October 10, 2016 in Choosing/Decision-Making, Tips

I grew up analyzing and planning. I achieved a lot—a PhD, playing at nationals, the MBA, and a bunch of other things. I get more done now. More importantly, I enjoy what I do now more. It’s more attuned to my values. Instead of analyzing and planning so much, I figure out ways to start doing things. Back then I would have worried about doing things wrong, which kept me[…] Keep reading →

4,994 meters in 20 minutes

on May 24, 2016 in Awareness, Exercises, Fitness, SIDCHAs

I used to like sport for winning. I still do, but no sport compares with ultimate, which I’m too old to compete in. Or rather, I know I’ll get worse every year so investing effort for the future has less payoff. Now sport is about discipline, dedication, discovery, self-awareness, and things like that—switching to the second meaning of competition from the first. I’ve had a rowing machine for years. They[…] Keep reading →

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