Search Results for: farm

Free markets? Meat subsidies are insane, as is consumption in the U.S. and a few other places

on October 3, 2023 in Nature, Visualization

I like free markets. I wish we had them, but as far as meat is concerned, we don’t seem to. Here is a chart of Subsidies for Meat Production From Industrialized Countries (OECD Members), Estimates for 2012, in Billions of Dollars. Can we end this corporate welfare? And here are Current Worldwide Annual Meat Consumption per capita. I didn’t realize the U.S. would stand out so much. I thought Brazil[…] Keep reading →

New Vitals: 99/63 / 47 bpm / 20.2 BMI

on October 3, 2023 in Fitness, Freedom, Habits

A third trip to the doctor this year feels like a lot, but I went again for routine, preventative stuff and they took my vitals again. I don’t have a good picture like last time, so I can only show a screen shot of the email, but here they are from last week: Blood pressure 99/63 looks normal. Back to a pulse of 47 beats per minute, and that was[…] Keep reading →

Year 3, day 3 with my fridge unplugged

on October 2, 2023 in Freedom

I forgot to post that I just started my third year with my fridge unplugged, the last year and a half with the whole apartment unplugged. Why did I forget? Because it’s a non-event. Last summer was challenging as I had never made it through a summer without a fridge and I was worried things would go bad faster. I knew then that all humans who ever lived didn’t use[…] Keep reading →

Solutions to Food Waste

on September 6, 2023 in Blog

I wish I could express the dismay I feel at seeing how much good food people throw away. Or, for that matter, how much people claim eating like I do costs more, often from the same people. I don’t see how not throwing away food costs more than throwing away food. Maybe exasperation as much as dismay. Anyway, my (partial) solutions to food waste: If you buy food, eat it.[…] Keep reading →

Selected New Experiences, September 3, 2023

on September 3, 2023 in Fitness, Habits, Nature, SIDCHAs

I’ve been posting Sundays about the books and movies I finished that week. This week I didn’t finish any new books or movies, but I did a few new things. A New Vegetable for Me: Jicama I discovered a new vegetable this week, jicama: I’d never heard of the vegetable, but I saw a bunch of them in the food scrap bin when I dropped mine off. They looked like[…] Keep reading →

What I ate in the last 24 hours, August 2023

on August 25, 2023 in Fitness, Habits, Nature

In preparation for recording a second podcast episode with Dr. Michael Greger of, I tracked what I ate for 24 hours. I didn’t plan or do anything differently. I still have no fridge or power from the electric grid, nor do I cook with gas. I do use the pressure cooker powered by my solar panels. The last time I tracked twenty-four hours of ingredients was February, for comparison.[…] Keep reading →

Why I’m stronger and more tired than ever

on August 23, 2023 in Fitness

Does being stronger than ever conflict with being more tired than ever? I’ll show they don’t conflict. My six-day exercise cycle means that every other day I either do full-body weight-bearing exercises (Turkish get-ups, kettlebell swings, and farmers walks), three sets of six lifts (two leg, two push, two pull), or a cardiovascular exercise. Other days I recover, though on all days I still do my burpee-based calisthenics. On recovery[…] Keep reading →

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