Search Results for: union square in motion

Zoetropes in a fourth grade science fair

on February 24, 2013 in Blog, Education

Longtime readers know my connections to zoetropes — inventing new types of them, starting business based on them, making art with them, etc. I’ve been upstaged. A longtime friend from school contacted me for the first time in years with news that her son is doing a project on zoetropes for his fourth grade science fair. Check it out! The pictures show he did the most important thing in science.[…] Keep reading →

How I got to work a day or two a week

on September 2, 2012 in Blog, Education, Entrepreneurship, Freedom

Despite my posting on how I find asking “so what do you do” a boring question, apparently everyone I meet hasn’t read every post on my site, so they keep asking me what I do. It’s hard to answer the question when you know they want to know your work when work is such a small part of your life. You can talk about making art, writing, travels, etc, but[…] Keep reading →

My essays for getting into an Ivy League business school in 23 days

on August 20, 2012 in Blog, Education, Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Tips

Here are my Columbia Business School application essays, to complete the series on getting into business school in 23 days. I edited them slightly, mainly to take out personal details. In the optional essay 5, I can see I was blatantly name-dropping Columbia Business School Professors and my experience at the school. I think I could have used more subtlety. My graduate school stipend — what I lived on in[…] Keep reading →

“Elements” — Special viewing of my art December 10, 8-10pm

on December 6, 2011 in Art, Creativity

Please join us for a special viewing of Elements Artwork by Joshua Spodek at District 36 If you missed my show at Crossing Art Gallery in June, this will be your first chance to see my new series. If you’ve only seen my public pieces Union Square and Bryant Park, this series is on a whole other level. Plus we can have wine here. If you haven’t seen it since[…] Keep reading →

Cleaning up: moving “My Art” to separate page

on September 20, 2011 in Art, Blog

Readers have commented that my posts on my art differ from the main thrust of this page: success through value, meaning, purpose, importance, emotional awareness, and emotional intelligence. With the awesome new public art piece in Union Square, I expect many posts on my art soon. To clean this page, I created a new page — My Art — for all my art posts, separating it from the main page,[…] Keep reading →

Announcement on the show

on June 14, 2011 in Art

I worked about twenty hours today preparing for the opening, so only a brief post today. The Q-note, a page about cultural life in Queens, interviewed me and mentioned me and the upcoming show in their blog. At the end of the 7 train, in Flushing, Crossing Art will put the spotlight on Joshua Spodek’s ( striking linear zoetropes in the astrophysicist-entrepreneur-artist’s solo show, Joshua Spodek: Motion in Stillness (Saturday,[…] Keep reading →

My next big beautiful public art piece! (please contribute!)

on April 2, 2011 in Art, Creativity, Education, Entrepreneurship

My next big beautiful public art piece will be with my Parsons class in Union Square. You can help make New York more beautiful, give people something to enjoy in their busy days, help students learn and build experience. Visit the project’s Kickstarter page and donate! About this project: We are 18 young talented art students and 2 professors in a class together at Parsons The New School of[…] Keep reading →

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