Search Results for: union square in motion

After 20 Years, Reciprocating a New York Moment

on July 26, 2017 in Stories

In the 90s, when I was a graduate student, my father was away for the summer and left me his car. I was living on 100th Street between West End Avenue and Riverside Drive with two teammates from my ultimate frisbee team. A long time ago, it must have been the year we went to Nationals. Having a car up there meant a lot of parallel parking because alternate side[…] Keep reading →

Fitness isn’t easy. It’s awesome.

on November 12, 2016 in Fitness, Tips

Your attitude is why your body looks the way it does—no muscle, no nothing. Your body is the physical manifestation of your mental state. I don’t mean this in some woo-woo new age way. You don’t care about what you eat, if/how you exercise, or anything. Your body reflects your apathy and complacency. When you learn to care about yourself, you’ll behave like you do. If I were you, I’d[…] Keep reading →

Learn Feedforward with me in London, Monday March 14!

on March 11, 2016 in Education, Events, Exercises, Leadership, Nonjudgment

Want to learn and practice one of the most effective leadership techniques? Then join me for a workshop, Monday, March 14th at 6:30pm. Click here to register! I look forward to seeing you there. From the announcement: Feedforward by Professor Joshua Spodek Interesting Talks is incredibly excited to welcome Joshua Spodek. Joshua is professor at New York University and is visiting London. We are lucky enough to have him speak at[…] Keep reading →

How Inc. Magazine improved overnight

on January 25, 2016 in Education, Entrepreneurship,, SIDCHAs

Inc. Magazine, in its own words: For 35 years, we’ve been the premier publication dedicated to entrepreneurs—the most innovative, most courageous, and most essential business leaders in America. In that time, Inc. has won widespread recognition for maintaining the highest editorial standards as we’ve documented that world. How did it improve overnight? They hired me as their latest columnist! Today marks my first piece, “How I Wish Business School Had[…] Keep reading →

Prince, Oscars, Olympians, and one of the world’s greatest leaders

on January 18, 2015 in Art, Leadership

Last night I went to a release of my friends’ sunglasses launch event. They’re Coco and Breezy and you can almost see us meeting for the first time here and here. They’re famous and becoming more so all the time. They designed the sunglasses Prince is wearing on his recent album: and that he wore on Saturday Night Live: Here I am showing off the sunglasses that aren’t for sale[…] Keep reading →

Learn more leadership, motivation, and influence Saturday!

on August 18, 2014 in Education, Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Tips

This Saturday, August 23, 10am-5pm, I’ll lead a seminar with General Assembly on leadership in New York City. Register here, you’ll be glad you did. This is the seminar that led to this testimonial: Josh, you may be interested to know I took out an Associate who will be working on my team and used your technique. She teared up, saying, no one ever asked her these questions and she[…] Keep reading →

See Joshua Spodek on leadership at General Assembly, August 23

on July 26, 2014 in Education, Leadership

If you like entrepreneurship and you don’t know General Assembly, you should. They teach great courses and have built a great community around teaching relevant skills. On Saturday, August 23, 10am-5pm, I’ll lead a seminar with General Assembly on leadership in New York City. Register here, you’ll be glad you did. Here is the announcement (they use short descriptions, for a fuller description, see this announcement from an earlier event):[…] Keep reading →

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