Awesome math book and an anecdote on it

on April 30, 2012 in Blog, Creativity, Nature

Math and science to me are beautiful — about the most beautiful things in the world. I hope some of that comes across when I write on them. After a couple posts on a physicist’s perspective on our impact on the world — about an awesome blog (called Do The Math, but it has a science perspective) and an awesome video presentation by the blogger, here’s something on math. When[…] Keep reading →

Fantastic video on economic and energy growth and limits

on April 25, 2012 in Awareness, Blog, Education, Nature

I’ve written about the Do The Math blog, which looks at the numbers underlying how our economy works, particularly the energy part, which is to say, what drives it. If you think something else drives it, do the math! I think you’ll see otherwise. Incidentally, analysis like his is one of the reasons I studied physics (if you didn’t know, I got a PhD in the subject) — to understand[…] Keep reading →

Why don’t they teach emotional intelligence and self awareness in school? (part 1, K-12)

on April 21, 2012 in Blog, Education, Fitness, Leadership

I write a lot about leadership skills and how to improve your life through understanding how emotions work in general, how yours work in particular, and becoming aware of your emotions as well as everyone else’s. As a result of focusing on leadership, my community has become full of people with similar interests (you, perhaps?). They all tell me learning and practicing it improves their lives. We prefer having each[…] Keep reading →

How to identify great life lessons

on April 19, 2012 in Awareness, Blog, Tips

Sometimes you recognize something you learned as a great life lesson. Sometimes what you thought was a great life lesson turns out not to be. How can you tell them apart? I’ve found that the more meaningful a life lesson, the more trivial it sounds when you explain it to someone else. For example, I went to North Korea and saw people living under different conditions than anyplace else, yet[…] Keep reading →

Yet more perspective on the economy, environment, and ecology

on April 8, 2012 in Blog, Education, Nature

Following yesterday’s post on a the blog — Do the Math — that covers the economy, environment, and ecology the best I know, along with Limits to Growth, I found another blog that covers a perspective on economics I haven’t seen, but consider important. We rely on an economics system based on growth but we live on a finite planet. We will one day reach an equilibrium with our environment.[…] Keep reading →

Finally, more great perspective on the economy, environment, and ecology

on April 7, 2012 in Blog, Education, Nature

I’ve written before on the poor dialog I’ve seen on the environment, ecology, and economy. Almost everyone seems to promote an agenda or not know what they’re talking about. Today I found a blog called Do the Math that compares with the book Limits to Growth in treating those topics thoroughly and intelligently. It covers the issues as I would, but in much more depth than I could, clearly explaining[…] Keep reading →

The slides from my North Korea talk at Columbia Business School

on March 26, 2012 in Education, Freedom, Leadership, NorthKorea

Saturday’s talk on North Korea at Columbia Business School went great — a full room, an attentive audience, and great questions at the end. I didn’t leave as much time for questions as I wish I had, but the organizer told me people told her they liked the talk a lot. Several people asked for copies of the slides so I’m posting them here instead of sending multiple emails.

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