Leadership lessons from 360-degree feedback charts

on October 4, 2012 in Blog, Education, Leadership

[This post is part of a series on Coaching Highlights from coaching Columbia Business School students. If you don’t see a Table of Contents to the left, click here to view the series, where you’ll get more value than reading just this post.] Just the structure of yesterday’s charts teaches a lot about leadership. They emerged as main tools for communicating leadership ability and guiding improvement so even if you’re[…] Keep reading →

See Joshua Spodek at INSEAD Singapore next week

on September 30, 2012 in Education, Events, Leadership

I’ll be delivering my seminar on  next weekend in Singapore, October 6 and 7, at INSEAD. Here’s the announcement. I hope to see you there. Leadership Through Self-Awareness and Emotional Intelligence Workshop led by Joshua Spodek, MBA, PhD; supported by the INSEAD Toastmasters Club INSEAD Toastmasters Club is pleased to announce a two-day (half-day) experiential workshop focused on how to develop personal leadership skills, self-awareness, and emotional intelligence by using[…] Keep reading →

Sports and passion

on September 28, 2012 in Awareness, Blog, Fitness, Leadership

I ask people about their passions a lot. Many tell me they have no passions, which makes me sad for them. I don’t think passions are something you find lying around but something you create and build from small interests through self-awareness, effort, and dedication. It means they haven’t created something they could have. They either never invested enough to find out what it took to create a passion or,[…] Keep reading →

Motivating populations

on September 15, 2012 in Blog, Freedom, Leadership

I figure most people have seen this quote before. It’s scary — particularly for how matter-of-fact it is. You get the idea he has no doubt of the effectiveness of his strategy, probably from years of trial and error. It’s scary not just for its historical roots, but for how well it seems to work in more mundane but still important contexts — particularly with national leaders. People as individuals[…] Keep reading →

Non-attachment, caring, and motivation

on September 11, 2012 in Awareness, Blog, Freedom

I’ll post today’s topic as a question. I’ve asked it of people who know more about Buddhism than me for more than ten years. No one has given me an answer I’ve found satisfactory. Though I put it in Buddhist terms, I hope no one gets hung up on the details of one religion or philosophy. I mean the question in a general way because his actions and philosophy, while[…] Keep reading →

Being overweight looks depressing

on September 4, 2012 in Blog, Fitness, Nature

Some people choose to be overweight — Mario Batali, for example, seems to love fattening food, knows how eating it will affect him, and eats it, accepting, even celebrating, the consequences with pleasure. I take my hat off to him. This post isn’t about him. I should also point out I don’t consider being overweight bad. Regular readers know I don’t consider such things good, bad, right, or wrong. I’m[…] Keep reading →

Motivation, energy to act, and expectation of success

on August 27, 2012 in Awareness, Blog, Tips

Do you suffer from low motivation, not knowing your passions, laziness, and other forms of just not feeling like putting the effort in? Do you want to have more motivation and passion? Most people tell me they’re lazy about a lot of things and don’t know their passions. Luckily, you can change that. Personally I don’t like being that way or hanging around with people like that. I connect with[…] Keep reading →

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