One of the best books I’ve read on the environment, our impact on it, and what we can do about it

on May 11, 2012 in Blog, Education, Nature, Tips

Imagine living your whole life nearsighted and one day you wear glasses for the first time — everything going from fuzzy blobs to clear. Or you know after you get out of the pool and your ears have water in them? Imagine you heard like that for your whole life and suddenly they cleared and you could hear properly. Or you’ve been wearing gloves and for the first time you[…] Keep reading →

A leader and physicist’s view on morality, ethics, and judgment

on May 10, 2012 in Blog, Leadership, Nature, Tips

Wrapping up my series on the counterproductivity of leading with morality, ethics, and judgment, I’ll present a model based I got from Einstein. Without all the emotion judgment can grip you with, you can understand the physics model easily. Then you can apply it to the emotional situation. Then I bet you’ll improve your life. Before Einstein: the problem of the aether Before Einstein, people created a concept called the[…] Keep reading →

Ecology, economy, population growth and Do The Math

on May 3, 2012 in Blog, Fitness, Nature

I’ve written about Do The Math, the blog that takes a quantitative, scientific, and usually non-judgmental approach to understanding our impact on the environment. I posted on it today for the first time about some questions I’d been thinking about for a while but haven’t approached in that blog’s way. He has written about increasing his efficiency in using energy. I generally applaud that approach and do it myself, but[…] Keep reading →

Awesome math book and an anecdote on it

on April 30, 2012 in Blog, Creativity, Nature

Math and science to me are beautiful — about the most beautiful things in the world. I hope some of that comes across when I write on them. After a couple posts on a physicist’s perspective on our impact on the world — about an awesome blog (called Do The Math, but it has a science perspective) and an awesome video presentation by the blogger, here’s something on math. When[…] Keep reading →

Leadership-based thoughts on economic and energy growth and limits

on April 26, 2012 in Awareness, Blog, Leadership, Nature

My closing paragraphs on yesterday’s post, anticipating people’s reaction, got me thinking about Marshall Goldsmith, one of today’s top business thinkers (and a friend). I wrote the following: By now, many of you are probably thinking “we’ve solved all the problems so far, we’ll solve the ones to come” “since before Malthus scientists project doomsday and they never happen, we can ignore this” or “this won’t affect me” If so,[…] Keep reading →

Fantastic video on economic and energy growth and limits

on April 25, 2012 in Awareness, Blog, Education, Nature

I’ve written about the Do The Math blog, which looks at the numbers underlying how our economy works, particularly the energy part, which is to say, what drives it. If you think something else drives it, do the math! I think you’ll see otherwise. Incidentally, analysis like his is one of the reasons I studied physics (if you didn’t know, I got a PhD in the subject) — to understand[…] Keep reading →

Yet more perspective on the economy, environment, and ecology

on April 8, 2012 in Blog, Education, Nature

Following yesterday’s post on a the blog — Do the Math — that covers the economy, environment, and ecology the best I know, along with Limits to Growth, I found another blog that covers a perspective on economics I haven’t seen, but consider important. We rely on an economics system based on growth but we live on a finite planet. We will one day reach an equilibrium with our environment.[…] Keep reading →

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