Finally, more great perspective on the economy, environment, and ecology

on April 7, 2012 in Blog, Education, Nature

I’ve written before on the poor dialog I’ve seen on the environment, ecology, and economy. Almost everyone seems to promote an agenda or not know what they’re talking about. Today I found a blog called Do the Math that compares with the book Limits to Growth in treating those topics thoroughly and intelligently. It covers the issues as I would, but in much more depth than I could, clearly explaining[…] Keep reading →

Finding home by traveling far

on April 4, 2012 in Blog, Freedom, Nature, NorthKorea

My interactions with North Korea have taught me more about myself and my values than anything else in recent memory. I was going to say it taught me more about being an American, but being an American means something different to me today than it used to, and means something different to everyone. I’m thinking about America in the context of North Korea today because I’m in the middle of[…] Keep reading →

North Korea, the environment, and trees

on April 2, 2012 in Nature, NorthKorea

This NY TImes article on North Korea and its environment, Q. and A.: North Korea’s Choked Environment, reminded me of other routes to create bonds and understanding with North Korea — nature and science. The article describes the current environmental situation there, some history, and how a conference on it went. Since the Korean War North Korea has lost trees, exacerbated by famine, mismanagement, flooding, and so on. Everybody gains[…] Keep reading →

Spring in New York 2012, part 1

on March 22, 2012 in Blog, Humor, Nature

Nearly everyone who has eaten with me in my neighborhood knows Benny’s Burritos is my favorite place (though they took my favorite dish off the menu again — the bowl of vegetarian chili). Spring must be here because they put the outdoor tables out. This patron, Winston, was too cute not to take his picture. Maybe it’s not what I normally blog about but can you really complain?

Spring sunshine and breezes

on March 14, 2012 in Blog, Fitness

Burpees and rowing indoors are great, but nothing beats getting up early and running in the morning sun with 60 degree light breezes. Freedom — what life is about. Especially for the first time in the spring. (I still did my daily burpees anyway, of course.)

Psychologists on self-awareness

on March 3, 2012 in Awareness, Blog, Education, Evolutionary Psychology, Nature

This quote on self-awareness, from the book Willpower, describes some psychologists’ perspectives on self-awareness. I like its perspective. It asks how self-awareness could have evolved and notes the importance of the behavior the mental ability motivates By the way, I recommend the book for its content and engaging writing style, although I prefer the advice and perspective in my willpower series. Read both. (Edit: and my Empathy Gap series. Read[…] Keep reading →

Hard projects will be harder than you expect. How to prepare.

on February 28, 2012 in Awareness, Blog, Leadership, Nature

[This post is part of a series on empathy gaps. If you don’t see a Table of Contents to the left, click here to view the series, where you’ll get more value than reading just this post.] A second post from the book Willpower… Leading yourself and others requires foreseeing that doing something hard feels harder, longer, more frustrating, and so on than you expect. At the beginning you say,[…] Keep reading →

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